Cubist houses - Bílkova 5

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Address :

Bílkova 5, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia

Postal code : 110
Categories :
City : Staré Město

Bílkova 5, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

The construction of three cubist houses with a uniform concept for the Teachers 'Teams' Building, according to the plans of Otakar Novotný, was completed in 1919-21. The plans were completed in October 1919, the houses were built at the end of the Prague rehabilitation and are four-storey, with the fifth mansard floor. One of the most significant Cubist post-war buildings, built according to O. Novotny's project forms one of the dominants of the Curie Square. They are built as two row and one corner houses with a uniform architectural concept, not indistinguishable individual houses - the whole block is composed as a single unit. Stavba tří kubistických domů s jednotnou koncepcí pro Družstvo pro stavbu učitelských domů podle plánů Otakara Novotného proběhla v letech 1919 - 21. Plány byly dokončeny v říjnu 1919, domy postaveny v závěru pražské asanace a jsou čtyřpatrové, s pátým mansardovým patrem. Jedna z nejvýznamnějších kubistických poválečných staveb provedená podle projektu O. Novotného je spolu s hotelem InterContinental přirozenou dominantou náměstí Crieových. Jsou postaveny jako dva řadové a jeden nárožní s jednotnou architektonickou koncepcí, nerozlišující jednotlivé domy - celý blok je komponován jako jednolitý celek.
The construction of three cubist houses with a uniform concept for the Teachers 'Teams' Building, according to the plans of Otakar Novotný, was completed in 1919-21. The plans were completed in October 1919, the houses were built at the end of the Prague rehabilitation and are four-storey, with the fifth mansard floor. One of the most significant Cubist post-war buildings, built according to O. Novotny's project forms one of the dominants of the Curie Square. They are built as two row and one corner houses with a uniform architectural concept, not indistinguishable individual houses - the whole block is composed as a single unit. The construction of three cubist houses with a unified concept for the Cooperative for the Construction of Teacher's Houses according to the plans of Otakar Novotný took place in 1919-21. The plans were completed in October 1919, One of the most important Cubist post-war buildings, designed by O. Novotný, together with the InterContinental Hotel, is a natural feature of Crie Square. They are built as two terraced and one corner with a unified architectural concept, not distinguishing individual houses - the whole block is composed as a single unit.
Anne Cussac on Google

Il s'agit d'un rare édifice cubiste alors que le mouvement du cubisme n'a pas eu d'interprétation réelle dans le domaine de l'architecture. Au rez-de-chaussée, un café et au 1er étage, un restaurant. Mobilier cubiste, carte d'inspiration cubiste. Toujours au rez-de-chaussée, une boutique d'objets, livres et bijoux d'inspiration cubiste. Vous ne pouvez pas rater la maison cubiste, sa façade couleur terre de Sienne détonne par rapport aux pastels habituels des autres façades Art nouveau.
It is a rare Cubist building while the movement of Cubism has not had a real interpretation in the field of architecture. On the ground floor, a café and on the 1st floor, a restaurant. Cubist furniture, cubist inspiration card. Always on the ground floor, a shop of cubist objects, books and jewelry. You can not miss the cubist house, its earth-colored facade of Siena unlike the usual pastels of the other facades Art Nouveau.
Alexander Pavlov on Google

Блок из трех домов построен в 1919-1921 г.г. (арх. Otokar Novotný (1880-1959)). Формы здания – кубистические, но мягкое цветовое решение фасада уже ближе к рондокубизму (кубистическая архитектурная композиция обычно однотонная). Замечательны элементы оформления: оконные рамы, входы в подъезды. Высокая тяжелая черепичная крыша усиливает ощущение легкости и хрупкости фасада. В средней части здания находятся 2-х комнатные квартиры, в боковых частях – 3-х комнатные.
A block of three houses was built in 1919-1921. (architect Otokar Novotný (1880-1959)). The forms of the building are cubistic, but the soft color scheme of the facade is already closer to rondocubism (cubistic architectural composition is usually monophonic). Remarkable design elements: window frames, entrances to entrances. A high heavy tiled roof enhances the feeling of lightness and fragility of the facade. In the middle part of the building there are 2-room apartments, in the lateral parts - 3-room apartments.
Дмитрий on Google

Довольно непримечательное здание, поэтому не понятно, почему он отмечен как достопримечательность, да ещё связанная с кубизмом. Как я понимаю, единственной причиной может быть то, что в этом самом доме жили кубисты, однако никаких знаков, указывающих на это, я не нашёл по близости.
A rather unremarkable building, so it is not clear why it is marked as a landmark, and even associated with cubism. As I understand it, the only reason may be that the Cubists lived in this very house, however, I did not find any signs indicating this in the vicinity.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Очень интересный розовый дом, построенный в стиле кубизма. Весьма оригинальны фигуры атлантов, поддерживающие конусообразные балкончики на своих плечах. Однако в отличии от многих других домов, построенных в стиле кубизма, в этом здании острые углы вычурно не выпирают, а напротив, достигнута визуальная гармоничность и пластичность архитектурных элементов.
A very interesting pink house built in the Cubist style. The figures of the Atlanteans are very original, supporting the conical balconies on their shoulders. However, unlike many other houses built in the style of Cubism, in this building sharp corners do not protrude pretentiously, but on the contrary, visual harmony and plasticity of architectural elements is achieved.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Projekt těchto domů od Ot. Novotného, se rodil těsně před 1. světovou válkou, ale realizován byl záhy po ní, jako učitelské domy ( 1919 - 21 ). Architekt byl ovlivněn slavnou kubistickou skupinou v čele s Janákem, Gočárem a Chocholem, s nimiž se přátelil. Odcházející kubistický styl se zde u projevuje hlavně v detailech fasády a interieru.
Project of these houses from Ot. Novotny, was born just before the First World War, but was soon after it, as teaching houses (1919 - 21). The architect was influenced by the famous Cubist group, headed by Janák, Gočár and Chochol, with whom he became friends. The leaving cubist style is reflected mainly in the details of the facade and interior.
Aude Leperlier on Google

interesting to see
覃羿彬 on Google

Not 100% photogenic, but this is a very interesting building in many ways, just observe the lines on gates and windows, nice to pass by if it’s on your way to somewhere.

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