CZE 265 Varnsdorf--DEU S141 Seifhennersdorf

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Contact CZE 265 Varnsdorf//DEU S141 Seifhennersdorf

Address :

407 47 Varnsdorf, Czechia

Categories :
City : Varnsdorf

407 47 Varnsdorf, Czechia
Александр Никитюк on Google

Пограничный с Румбурком городок.
Border town with Rumburk.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Obě státní silnice, které prochází Varnsdorfem, směřují k hraničním přechodům a umožňují rychlé dopravní napojení na silniční síť SRN. Na severozápadní straně je k dispozici přechod do Seifhennersdorfu, který umožňuje přímou cestu směrem na Löbau, Bautzen a Drážďany, na jihovýchodní straně je to přechod do Grossschönau, který směřuje směrem k Žitavě, Görlitz a dále do Polska. Přes Varnsdorf jezdí osobní vlaky společnosti Vogtlandbahn z Liberce přes Žitavu do Seifhennersdorfu nebo do Rybniště. Both state roads, which pass through Varnsdorf, point to border crossings and allow fast transport links to the road network of Germany. On the northwest side there is a crossing to Seifhennersdorf, which allows a direct route towards Löbau, Bautzen and Dresden, on the southeast side it is crossing to Grossschönau, which leads towards Zittau, Görlitz and further to Poland. Also passenger trains from Vogtlandbahn from Liberec via Zittau to Seifhennersdorf or Rybniště run via Varnsdorf.
Both state roads, which pass through Varnsdorf, lead to border crossings and enable fast transport connections to the German road network. On the northwest side there is a crossing to Seifhennersdorf, which allows a direct route to Löbau, Bautzen and Dresden, on the southeast side there is a crossing to Grossschönau, which leads to Zittau, Görlitz and further to Poland. Vogtlandbahn passenger trains run from Varnsdorf from Liberec via Zittau to Seifhennersdorf or Rybniště. Both state roads, which pass through Varnsdorf, point to border crossings and allow fast transport links to the road network of Germany. On the northwest side there is a crossing to Seifhennersdorf, which allows a direct route towards Löbau, Bautzen and Dresden, on the southeast side it is crossing to Grossschönau, which leads towards Zittau, Görlitz and further to Poland. Also passenger trains from Vogtlandbahn from Liberec via Zittau to Seifhennersdorf or Rybniště run via Varnsdorf.

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