Czechoslovak Commercial Bank, Inc.

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Czechoslovak Commercial Bank, Inc.

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Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Praha 5, Czechia

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City : Praha

Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Praha 5, Czechia
Michal Endris (Michal End) on Google

-10 hvezd. Neskutecne. Vsem doporucuji od tohoto ustavu utikat. Pred 14 dny jsem byl vyhozen z pobocky ze nemam sjednanou schuzku... dnes schuzka 7dni sjednana a pri prijezdu cca 150km pobocka zavrena a maluji. Pritom mam dve potvrzeni o schuzce a dnes rano zprava ze se na nas moc tesi. Po dlouhém shaneni kontaktu jsem volal sefa pobocky... "mame zavreno a neni ti nas problem ze mate potvrzeni o schuzce. Me to nezajima. " doporuceni jet dalsich 50km do CB kde by nikdo bez schuzky nekomunikoval. NEJHORSI Z NEJHORSICH. Nedoporucuji si o ne ani oprit kolo.
-10 stars Unreal. I recommend everyone to run away from this constitution. 14 days ago I was fired from the branch because I do not have an appointment ... today a meeting is arranged 7 days and upon arrival about 150 km the branch is closed and I am painting. At the same time, I have two confirmation of the meeting and this morning reports that they are looking forward to us. After a long search for contact, I called the head of the branch ... "We are closed and you have no problem with your confirmation of the meeting. I do not care." THE MOST OF THE MOST. I don't even recommend leaning your bike on them.
Pavel Kohout on Google

Jedna z nejhorších finančních institucí. Za vedení účtu výpisy a transakce 150 - 465 Kč měsíčně. Oprava 03/2022: V internetovém bankovnictví nelze dohledat transakce před rokem 2019. Pro export pohybů byl po zveřejnění této recenze konečně zpřístupněn CSV formát. Když spouštěli tzv. ČSOB klíč, musel jsem trávit hodinu na pobočce, kde vše znovu reaktivovali, že prý to jinak nelze. Nová obrovská budova v Radlicích vypovídá jasně o neefektivitě této instituce. Navíc se na vnitřním interiéru této budovy architekt Pleskot podepsal velkými OpenSpace prostory, kde se nedá pracovat a jako zaměstnanec jste neustále obtěžován průvanem a hlukem od spolupracovníků. Nebyl by namísto tohoto zbytečného sídla bohatství a rozmařilosti prospěšnější veřejný park pro lidi?
One of the worst financial institutions. Statements and transactions for account maintenance CZK 150 - 465 per month. Correction 03/2022: Transactions before 2019 cannot be traced in internet banking. CSV format was finally made available for export of movements after the publication of this review. When they launched the so-called ČSOB key, I had to spend an hour at the branch, where they reactivated everything, saying that it was not possible otherwise. The new huge building in Radlice clearly shows the inefficiency of this institution. In addition, the architect Pleskot has signed large open-space spaces in the interior of this building, where you can't work and as an employee you are constantly bothered by drafts and noise from co-workers. Wouldn't a public park be more beneficial to people instead of this useless seat of wealth and extravagance?
Vanda Kremserová on Google

Chtěla bych velice vyzdvihnout skvělý a profesionální přístup Lenky Černé na Radlické pobočce!
I would like to highlight the great and professional approach of Lenka Černá at the Radlická branch!
Dana on Google

Pri zadosti o uver pro klienta v pausalnim rezimu chteli nadiktovat vsechny jednotlive prijmy polozku po polozce za poslednich 6 mesicu. To konkretne v mem pripade dela nejakych 360 polozek. Pri tom maji. vypisy z uctu, jsem jejich klient. Jiz dlouho me tak nikdo nepobavil.
When requesting a loan for a client in a pause mode, they wanted to dictate all the individual receipts item by item for the last 6 months. Specifically, in my case, it makes some 360 ​​items. They have. account statements, I am their client. Nobody entertained me like that for a long time.
J. K. on Google

Společnost se cítí býti "nad zákonem" České Republiky. Ve výběrovém řízení na obsazení volných pozic je ze strany ČSOB kladen dotaz na OČKOVÁNÍ, avšak takový dotaz není přípustný nebo je alespoň zcela zbytečný, neboť informace o tom, je-li či není-li někdo očkovaný, je dle českého práva součástí lékařského tajemství a tedy takový dotaz nemusí či nejlépe nesmí být zodpovězen!
The company feels "above the law" of the Czech Republic. In the selection procedure for filling vacancies, ČSOB asks about VACCINATION, but such a question is not admissible or at least completely unnecessary, because information on whether or not someone is vaccinated is part of medical confidentiality under Czech law and therefore, such a question may or may not be answered!
Eva Sedláková on Google

Musím dát 1 hvězdičku, aby šla recenze zveřejnit, ale je to hvězdička za nic.... Před 2 týdny jsem požádala o schůzku. Paní Reiterová neměla čas a doporučila mi kolegyni Míšovou, ta můj email rovnou přeposlala kolegyni Černé. Paní Černá pro jistotu na email už vůbec neodpověděla (2 týdny!). Je-li toto pobočka, kde se klient musí o schůzku doprošovat, vyřídím si své záležitosti jinde. Z profesionálního hlediska musím říct, že je pro mne takové jednání velkým šokem.
I have to give 1 star to go publish the review, but it's an asterisk for nothing .... I asked for an appointment 2 weeks ago. Mrs. Reiterová did not have time and recommended my colleague Míšová, she sent my email straight to my colleague Černá. Mrs. Černá did not reply to the email at all (2 weeks!). If this is the branch where the client has to beg for an appointment, I will deal with my affairs elsewhere. From a professional point of view, I must say that such behavior is a great shock to me.
Carlo Hudratore on Google

bojman on Google

This is a thief bank, modern example of institutional gangsters protected by incapable state administration. Asides from that, the people working there are incapable and arrogant. To illustrate this statement, I will explain the case of my sister, who has opened bank account there and now we need to pay bankster fees on a regular base, as these thieves take a money from her account regularly. So, she has been using CSOB services for a couple years she has spent in Prague. She moved abroad, but decided to keep the banking account there just in case she returns to Prague within a year. Then, they started to incur the virtual fees to her account, like sending post notices and so on. After bringing her account in a minus, then they started to send debt notices to false address in another country that they deliberately entered into account, with result that these notices do not reach her. Ofcourse, they do not use email or other modern communication mean. Then, she transfers the money to her account from abroad, to cover imaginary fees. The nice bank takes SEPA transfer (EU/EUR transfer within Europe which should be provision free by European law) and charges provision on receiving the money, which is against the law. To illustrate the case, she sent two transactions from Austria, each 15€, in €, to her EUR account at CSOB. Each of these transactions was charged with 5€ for receiving. After receiving these unlawful charges, she stil had a couple of eur on her account. On the same day they then incurred a new debt for some kind of notice od 19€, bringing the account again into the minus. Why she do not close the account? Well, it is imposible to get contact with the support. You cannot contact support within ebanking. On the phone, they either do not answer, or you cannot reach english-speaking person, or if you reach one, it cannot help you. In order to close the banking account you need to come there personally to Prague. So, next time she arrives in Prague this account will be closed and we will use some mean to incur material damage to this bank, as they cannot be spoken or communicated normally.

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