Dobřichovice - Dobřichovice

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City : Dobřichovice

252 29
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Nádraží jedna radost na pohled. A ty restaurované italské dlažby, moudrý počin.
Station one happy to look at. And those restored Italian tiles, a wise act.
Rodina Štiťáková on Google

Je zde spoustu krasnych mist na vylety.
There are a lot of beautiful places for trips.
Mattias Zijlstra on Google

De perrons kunnen een opknapbeurt gebruiken. Treinen rijden ieder halfuur en in de spitsuren rijdt er nog een extra trein. Kaartautomaat in de oude stijl. Dame bij het loket spreekt enkel Tsjechisch.
The platforms could use a makeover. Trains run every half hour and an extra train runs during peak hours. Old-style ticket machine. Lady at the counter speaks only Czech.
Václav Götze on Google

Běžná výpravní budova Správy železnic v poměrně slušném stavu. V provozu osobní pokladna. Čekárna v nádražní hale. Nově instalován informační systém pro cestující. Velké parkoviště, bohužel téměř vždy beznadějně obsazené. Potom je se zaparkováním vozidla problém.
Ordinary railway station building in relatively good condition. Personal cash register in operation. Waiting room in the station hall. Newly installed passenger information system. Large parking lot, unfortunately almost always hopelessly occupied. Then there is a problem with parking the vehicle.
Frodo Cat on Google

Krásné okolí, ideální na výlety.
Beautiful surroundings, ideal for excursions.
Milada Karlíčková on Google

Hezké letovidku na břehu Berounky.
Nice resort on the banks of the Berounka.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Dobřichovicemi vede železniční Trať 171 Praha - Beroun. Je to dvoukolejná elektrizovaná celostátní trať, součást 3. koridoru, doprava na ní byla zahájena roku 1862. Po trati 171 vede linka S7 (Úvaly - Praha - Beroun) v rámci pražského systému Esko. V železniční stanici Dobřichovice zastavuje denně velké množství osobních vlaků. U nádraží je záchytná odstavná plocha kde může zaparkovat až 180 aut, kterými přijíždějí lidé z okolních obcí, zaměstnáni povětšinou v Praze. The railway line 171 Prague - Beroun leads to Dobřichovice. It is a two-track electrified nation-wide railway, part of the 3rd corridor, which transport started in 1862. Following line 171, the line S7 (Úvaly - Prague - Beroun) leads within the Esko system in Prague. There is a large number of passenger trains stopping at the Dobřichovice railway station.There is a seizable parking area nearby the station where up to 180 cars can parked.
The railway line 171 Prague - Beroun leads through Dobřichovice. It is a double-track electrified national line, part of the 3rd corridor, traffic on it was started in 1862. On line 171, the line S7 (Úvaly - Prague - Beroun) runs within the Prague Esko system. A large number of passenger trains stop daily at the Dobřichovice railway station. There is a parking area near the railway station where it can park up to 180 cars, which come from people from the surrounding villages, mostly employed in Prague. The railway line 171 Prague - Beroun leads to Dobřichovice. It is a two-track electrified nation-wide railway, part of the 3rd corridor, which transport started in 1862. Following line 171, the line S7 (Úvaly - Prague - Beroun) leads within the Esko system in Prague. There is a large number of passenger trains stopping at the Dobřichovice railway station.There is a seizable parking area nearby the station where up to 180 cars can parked.
Fabio on Google

Nice small country railway station. Old style but has got what you need, ticket office and ticket vending machines, newspaper Stand. Not easy accessing to the platforms if you have to lift heavy bags.

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