Dominikánský dvůr

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Contact Dominikánský dvůr

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Branická 44, 147 00 Praha 4, Czechia

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City : Praha

Branická 44, 147 00 Praha 4, Czechia
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Zajímavý, dnes však bohužel notně zanedbaný, areál Dominikánského dvora pochází z poloviny 17. století. Poničenou tvrz s dvorem získali dominikáni z kláštera u sv. Jiljí na Starém Městě Pražském od císaře Ferdinanda II. v roce 1625. Ti v něm už o rok později zřídili pivovar. V roce 1648 byla Praha obléhaná Švédy a branická tvrz i s okolními budovami byla zničena. Z původních čtyř křídel s arkádami se do současnosti dochovaly tři, včetně zvonice z roku 1761, v jejíž spodní části se dodnes dochoval reliéf ukřižovaného Krista. Součástí původního areálu byla rovněž kaple, která byla funkční až do roku 1899. Toho roku dvůr zakoupil spolek pražských sládků, který zde provozoval pivovar po dalších sedm let. Poté objekt sloužil různým účelům. V padesátých letech hrozilo zboření, naštěstí byl dvůr zapsán na seznam památkově chráněných staveb. Záchrana by měla přjít ze stran hlavního města. Radnice Prahy 4 přišla s návrhem, jak zvládnout finančně náročnou rekonstrukci dvora. Objekt má totiž městská část ve své správě. An interesting, but unfortunately considerably neglected today, area of ​​the Dominican court dates from the middle of the 17th century. The damaged fortress and courtyard was acquired by the Dominicans from the monastery at St. Giles in the Old Town of Prague from Emperor Ferdinand II. in 1625. They established a brewery in it justa year later. In 1648, Prague was besieged by the Swedes and the Braník fortress and the surrounding buildings were destroyed. Of the original four wings with arcades, three have survived to the present day, including the bell tower from 1761, in the lower part of which a relief of the crucified Christ has been preserved. The original complex also included a chapel, which was operational until 1899. In that year, the court was purchased by an association of Prague brewers, which operated a brewery here for another seven years. Then the building served various purposes. In the fifties there was a threat of demolition, fortunately the court was entered to the listed buildings. Nowadays, the rescue should come from the capital of Prague. The City Hall of Prague 4 came up with a proposal on how to handle the financially demanding reconstruction of the courtyard, because the building has a city district under its administration.
An interesting, but unfortunately considerably neglected today, area of ​​the Dominican court dates from the middle of the 17th century. The damaged fortress and courtyard was acquired by the Dominicans from the monastery at St. Giles in the Old Town of Prague by Emperor Ferdinand II. in 1625. They established a brewery in it a year later. In 1648, Prague was besieged by the Swedes and the Branická fortress and the surrounding buildings were destroyed. Of the original four wings with arcades, three have been preserved to the present day, including the bell tower from 1761, in the lower part of which a relief of the crucified Christ has been preserved to this day. Part of the original complex was also a chapel, which was operational until 1899. That year, the court bought an association of Prague brewers, which operated a brewery for another seven years. Then the building served various purposes. In the fifties there was a threat of demolition, fortunately the court was entered on the list of listed buildings. Rescue should come from the capital. The City Hall of Prague 4 came up with a proposal on how to handle the financially demanding reconstruction of the courtyard. The building has a city district under its administration. An interesting, but unfortunately considerably neglected today, area of ​​the Dominican court dates from the middle of the 17th century. The damaged fortress and courtyard was acquired by the Dominicans from the monastery at St. Giles in the Old Town of Prague from Emperor Ferdinand II. in 1625. They established a brewery in it justa year later. In 1648, Prague was besieged by the Swedes and the Braník fortress and the surrounding buildings were destroyed. Of the original four wings with arcades, three have survived to the present day, including the bell tower from 1761, in the lower part of which a relief of the crucified Christ has been preserved. The original complex also included a chapel, which was operational until 1899. In that year, the court was purchased by an association of Prague brewers, which operated a brewery here for another seven years. Then the building served various purposes. In the fifties there was a threat of demolition, fortunately the court was entered to the listed buildings. Nowadays, the rescue should come from the capital of Prague. The City Hall of Prague 4 came up with a proposal on how to handle the financially demanding reconstruction of the courtyard, because the building has a city district under its administration.

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