Don fitness

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Don fitness

Address :

Gočárova tř. 1517, 500 02 Hradec Králové, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +778
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City : Hradec Králové

Gočárova tř. 1517, 500 02 Hradec Králové, Czechia
DelixLP on Google

Musím říct že jsem navštívil už vcelku hodně fitness center a posiloven, ať už levných tak drahých, ale ještě nikdy jsem se nikde necítil tak dobře a příjemně jako tady. Obsluha je ochotná a milá. Možnost si jít zacvičit kdykoliv chci je opravdu úžasná. Každopádně nečekejte nějaké obří fitness centrum, je to opravdu tak jak se sami propagují, menší fitko s opravdu příjemným rodinným pocitem.
I must say that I have visited quite a lot of fitness centers and gyms, both cheap and expensive, but I have never felt as good and pleasant anywhere as here. The staff is helpful and kind. The opportunity to go to work out whenever I want is really amazing. Anyway, don't expect a giant fitness center, it's really the way they promote themselves, a smaller fitness with a really nice family feeling.
Lucie Lingrová on Google

Dnes jsem poprvé navštívila na doporučení od kamarádky a syna. Za mě naprostá spokojenost, všichni ochotní, není problém na cokoliv zeptat. Osobní, rodinné fitko, kde se cítím opravdu hodně dobře. Nabídky služeb luxusní a výhoda, která jinde není, dojít si zacvičit kdykoliv se mi hodí a chci je opravdu bomba. Velká spokojenost, všude budu chválit a určitě doporučím.
Today I visited for the first time on the recommendation of a friend and son. For me, complete satisfaction, everyone willing, it is not a problem to ask anything. Personal, family fitness, where I feel really good. Offering luxury services and an advantage that is not elsewhere, come to work out whenever it suits me and I really want them to bomb. Great satisfaction, I will praise everywhere and I will definitely recommend.
Michal Hejný on Google

Výborné fitko pro obyčejné lidi, zadní namachrovaní buzíci, žádný extra bordel, lidi se chovají slušně a čistě. Veliká plocha za málo peněz přátelské prostředí, úžasná obsluha za barem a levné suplementy. Byl jsem tam 2x a teď tam budu chodit kdykoliv to půjde.
Excellent fit for ordinary people, back messy exciters, no extra mess, people behave decently and cleanly. Large area for little money friendly environment, amazing service behind the bar and cheap supplements. I've been there twice and now I'll go there whenever I can.
Veronika Daňková on Google

Menší, ale fajn fitko. Příjemná obsluha. Jediné co bych trošku vytkla je přístup do fitness, který jsem jako nováček hledala. Ale to je detail, který moc neovlivní ?
Smaller, but nice fitko. Pleasant service. The only thing I would blame is the access to fitness, which I was looking for as a newcomer. But this is a detail that does not affect much ?
Shurry Ma on Google

Has what you need, basically.
Petr Kadavý on Google

Old, but gold. Dont expect some shiny machines.. But all the basic equipment is there. Also normal sort of people, not steroid pumped monkeys.
Marios C. on Google

It's ok if you want to workout and build your muscles. Adequate amount and variety of equipment, lots of meatheads sweating and pumping iron for 5 femtoseconds so they can spend 50 minutes flexing in front of the mirror until their brain aneurysm breaks due to steroid abuse. Generally it's ok though... oh I have to address the issue where there are no stairs and you have to use the only elevator which soon will give up on life just like you will give up on gymming 5 minutes after you realize mechanized repetitions of the same movements wont allow you to fit into the world of ideal models and vanity, finding yourself to KFC reading my other review about bad decisions.
M J on Google

Very friendly service, water for free, discount for students, various types of entry cards + punching bag and other fitness equipment apart from weights.

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