Ekonomické Stavby

2.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ekonomické Stavby

Address :

Hvězdova 1716, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czechia

Website : http://www.ekonomicke-stavby.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 4 Nusle

Michaela Došková on Google

Velmi špatné zkušenosti s touto "stavební firmou". Jen samé lži. Ze začátku vše vypadalo pohádkově, ES se snažili. Ale jakmile nám spočítali splátku domu na cca 19 tis (jen domu!! + splátka pozemku a další výdaje spojené s živobytím), tak jsme se rozhodli odstoupit od smlouvy a museli vše doplatit - jejich nesmyslná záloha 170 tis + zaplacená rezervace pozemku. Lituji, že jsme s nimi začali spolupracovat! Rozhodně nedoporučuji!
Very bad experience with this "construction company". Only lies. In the beginning everything looked fabulous, ES tried. But as soon as they calculated us the repayment of the house to about 19 thousand (just the house !! + payment of land and other expenses associated with living), so we decided to withdraw from the contract and had to pay everything - their nonsensical advance 170 thousand + paid land reservation. I'm sorry we started working with them! Definitely not recommended!
Lex Říha on Google

Podvodníci, využívají lidské naivity, neznalosti a důvěry v křídové desky krásného katalogu. Po podepsání smluv a směnky vás čeká peklo na zemi a žádný soud vám nepomůžu. Mají ještě tu drzost podávat žaloby na ochranu osobnosti, jakože "dobré pověsti". Doporučuji googlit a kouknout na Černé ovce. Těch zničených rodin, životů... Těžko uvěřit, co vše v ČR prochází.
Scammers take advantage of human naivety, ignorance and trust in the chalk board of a beautiful catalog. After signing the treaties and the bill of exchange, you will have hell on earth and no court will help you. They still have the insolence of bringing actions to protect their personality as a "good reputation". I recommend googlit and look at Black Sheep. Those ruined families, lives ... It's hard to believe what is going on in the Czech Republic.
Sedm Set on Google

Jednak je člověk nemůže najít. Jsou tak špatně označení, že jsem strávil půl hodiny hledáním. Pak taky nemám moc rád takové to byznys jednání, když nejste jednoznačně slibný zákazník. A také hodně překvapí recenze na internetu od zákazníků, kteří se dostali ve spolupráci s touto společností dál než já
For one thing, one cannot find them. They are so badly labeled that I spent half an hour searching. Then I also don't like such a business when you are not clearly a promising customer. And also a lot of surprises on the Internet from customers who have gone further in cooperation with this company than me
Jana Králová on Google

Příjemné a rychlé odpovědi na všechny otazky.
Pleasant and quick answers to all questions.
Tomáš “Termit” Bečva on Google

Kdo nemá šestý smysl tak v těchto budovách zabloudí. Určitě se podívejte na návod na jejich stránkách. Milé jednání. Ale naše rodina na domeček od nich v životě nedosáhne. Leda by jsme bydleli 50 km od Prahy. Ceny pozemků blízko Prahy jsou totiž astronomické ?
He who does not have a sixth sense will get lost in these buildings. Be sure to check out the instructions on their website. Nice meeting. But our family will not reach for a house from them in life. Unless we live 50 km from Prague. Land prices near Prague are astronomical ?
Ведровод on Google

Dobry den. stavime s touto spolecnosti rodiny domek. Vše jde hladce a krasne. Financování také jede dobře Práce stavebního manažera jde skvěle vždy se prispusobi našim požadavkům a zandej problem nemame. Takže tímto chci poděkovat Všem a snad brzo se bude stehovat do našeho vysněného Baracku Za mne doporucuji. Emil
Good day. we are building a family house with this company. Everything goes smoothly and beautifully. Funding is also going well The work of a construction manager is always great and always adapts to our requirements and we don't have a problem. So I want to thank everyone and hopefully he will move to our dream Barack soon I recommend for me. Emil
tana retova on Google

This company is beyond belief I have a partner and 4 kids we went to build a house with this company and was quoted a price we went back to the bank and they approved the mortgage which was our ceiling limit we went back and they CHANGED the price after they made us sign BLANK paperwork admittedly we should of expected something was wrong however for the sake of keeping things moving we agreed they borrowed us money for the deposit for the land and to start the build and then... we couldn't go ahead we couldn't pay them and mortgage plus rent and bills they left us in a mess the bank and there company executed our land too everything for a 180,000kc load at +27% interest they STOLE 1,050,000kc from us we begged the company top take at lest half of this so we could rebuild our lives and .... NOPE they sent an email there not interested in this me and my wife lost our jobs cause of the trouble we got into cause of this company and with all the stories we are hearing WHY HASN'T THE GOVERNMENT ACTED against this daylight robbery ? we would love help regarding this is there no CAP to the amout of interest any company can take ?
Hoang Long Nguyen on Google

After waiting for their call for weeks, we finally agreed to a meeting. Mr Wirth promised he will send the online meeting to my email on the day of meeting. The meeting invite was not sent even after the meeting and no phone call coming from the Ekonomicke Stavby either. Lack of responsibility from their side... Do I want a house build by such an irresponsible company?

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