El Al Israel Airlines Ltd.

3.3/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact El Al Israel Airlines Ltd.

Address :

Václavské nám. 823, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Website : https://www.elal.com/
Categories :
City : Nové Město

Václavské nám. 823, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Tereza Lubovská on Google

Marketing Business Success on Google

Pavlina Cohen פבלינה כהן on Google

Yvona Hartlova on Google

Zastoupení EL-AL v Praze je naprosto nekompetentní, neochotné a dělá ostudu celé Izraelské letecné společnosti!
The EL-AL representation in Prague is totally incompetent, unwilling to do and shame the entire Israel airline!
Jakub Slama on Google

U české pobočky jsem se obracel jen na zákaznickou podporu, nicméně ochota s vstřícnost zaměstnanců mě mile překvapila.
At the Czech branch I only asked for customer support, but the willingness to be helpful was surprising.
Julia Ustyuzhanin on Google

English below הכי בבית בעולם? ממש לא. או שכן. אם החוצפה והתוקפנות הם המאפיינים הטיפוסיים של הבית. 0 עזרה, 100% תוקפנות. אם הם שיקרו לכם, אם הם מנסים לעשות עליכם כסף ואתם תתלוננו, הם רק יצחקו לכם בפרצוף. לא מאמינים? תנסו. תשכחו משירות אירופאי, זה לא כאן. בהצלחה לכל מי שמנסה להשיג עזרה או לפחות הבנה מאל על ואפ. Not recommended. Never use El Al. Only if you want to face unbelievable rudeness an insolence. At least they don't yell at you, but they do laugh at your face an insult you. You will get zero help and 100% rudeness and insolence. Don't travel with El Al and Up if you have any other option. And don't try to get any help from their Prague office.
English below The most at home in the world? Definately not. Or yes. If bravery and aggression are the typical characteristics of the home. 0 help, 100% aggression. If they lied to you, if they tried to make money on you and you complained, they would just laugh at you. Don't believe it? Give it a try. Forget European service, it's not here. Good luck to anyone trying to get help or at least an understanding of WAP. Not recommended. Never use El Al. Only if you want to face incredible rudeness and insolence. At least they don't yell at you, but they do laugh at your face and insult you. You will get zero help and 100% rudeness and insolence. Don't travel with El Al and Up if you have any other option. And don't try to get any help from their Prague office.
clyde emmanuel Archer on Google

El al. What an experience. If you are not Israeli they treat you like a criminal from the minute you arrive to the airport until to arrive to Israel. And they will have your luggage arrive Two or three days late due to the security check they must do. They will not explain your rights as a costumer so you know how to survive without luggage for 48 or 72 hours. Then they want you to have an Israeli mobile number so they can contact you to deliver the luggage. I am tourist god damn it!!! I have asked my travel agent never to book el al again. I know hat security is an issue in Israel but WOW they go a little over board. They also take separate you from all of your belonging while they dona screen check and this should be illegal. They can do what ever and blame you later. It should be in front of you. Awful airlines

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