ELISEN - Trnečkova 511/9

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ELISEN

Address :

Trnečkova 511/9, 683 01 Rousínov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +779
Postal code : 683
Website : http://www.elisen.cz/
Categories :
City : Rousínov

Trnečkova 511/9, 683 01 Rousínov, Czechia
Simon Kacmar on Google

Mila, ochotna obsluha ?
Mila, willing staff ?
Eva Hrnčárková on Google

Velmi příjemné a ochotné jednání.
Very pleasant and helpful behavior.
Lenka Francová on Google

Protivná obsluha, která mi ještě špatně vrátila. Kdyby tu nebyla Zasilkovna, tak sem nevlezu.
A disgusting service that returned me badly. If there was no messenger, I would not come here.
Šimon Hajda on Google

Děkuji za pomoc při vyzvedání balíku, který nebyl dopravní společností označen!
Thank you for helping me pick up a package that was not labeled by the shipping company!
Petr Kasal on Google

Na zaklade hodnoceni jsem necekal moc a sel do obchodu s hlavou otevrenou. Nicmene slecna potvrdila svuj popis do pismene.. :( Nakonec teda transakce probehla a balik jsem si vyzvedl, nicmene bylo treba udrzet pocker face a mit dost lenosti se neotocit na miste a neochotu proste ignorovat. Takze za me naprosty souhlas s predchozi recenzi. Slecna velmi neochotna a prezirava. Panu majiteli bych doporucil misto psani krasnych omluv vice investovat do sveho personalu (plus zacit brat karty;). Nicmene slecna se rozloucila se slovy: "Hlavne uz si sem nic podobneho neobjednavejte..bylo to moc tezke.." Takze za me vyreseno. :)
On the basis of the evaluation, I did not expect much and went to the store with my head open. Nevertheless, she confirmed her description in the letter .. :( Finally, the transaction took place and I picked up the package, but it was necessary to keep the pocker face and have enough laziness not to turn on the site and unwillingness to just ignore. So for my total agreement with the previous review. I would recommend to the owner instead of writing beautiful apologies more to invest in his staff (plus start to brother cards;). However, she said goodbye to the words: "Do not order anything like that. So it solved me. :)
Papi Galkova on Google

Děkuji Elisen za velmi vstřícný přístup. Slečna mi velmi pomohla při dohledání balíčku. Taky doporučuji pri vyzvedávaní zásilky podívat se po obchodě, mají tady mnoho krásných věcí, které nikde jinde nenajdete.
Thank you Elisen for a very helpful approach. Miss helped me a lot in finding the package. Also, when picking up the shipment, I recommend to look around the store, they have many beautiful things that you can not find anywhere else.
Tomas N on Google

Nerad nakupuji na internetu, ale přístup majitelky je skvělý. Pomohla mi vybrat velikost, zboží mi nafotila i přeměřila, aby mi vše sedlo. Rychlé bylo i dodání zboží. Doporučuji tento e-shop.
I don't like shopping online, but the owner's approach is great. She helped me choose the size, took pictures of the goods and measured them so that everything would fit me. Delivery of goods was also fast. I recommend this e-shop.
Bukowinian Black Metal on Google

Kudos for the Russian language :)

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