ELKO EP, Ltd. - Všetuly

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ELKO EP, Ltd.

Address :

Palackého 493, Všetuly, 769 01 Holešov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 769
Website : https://www.elkoep.cz/
Categories :
City : Holešov

Palackého 493, Všetuly, 769 01 Holešov, Czechia
Martin Šimek on Google

LARA - Technologie jako z doby ledové. Nemoderní, zastaralé a nedomyšlené. Napájení "na hulváta".
LARA - Ice Age technology. Outdated, obsolete and unthinking. Power "on CAD".
Tomáš Kuthan on Google

Mame doma rizeni topeni od teto znacky a bylo to nejhorsi co jsme si mohli koupit. Ta zakladni funkce jako nastaveni topeni pres telefon funguje pouze na androidu, verze pro apple ma miliony chyb a ani po pul roce od reklamace chyby vyrobce nereaguje a chybu neopravil. Pres pocitac topeni nenastavite vubec. To ze ma cely system velikou chybu zabezpeceni, ze vam muze kdokoliv ovladat domacnost bych snad ani nemel zminovat, ale ani tu vyrobce neopravil po upozorneni. Takze az vam nekdo z druhyho konce sveta zacne ovladat dum, nezmuzete nic.
We have home heating control from this brand and it was the worst thing we could buy. The basic function such as setting heater via phone works only on android, the version for apple has millions of errors and even after half a year from the manufacturer's failure to respond and did not correct the error. Do not set anything at all over the heater. That the whole system has a big mistake to ensure that you can anyone control the household, perhaps I should not even mention, but even the manufacturer did not correct the warning. So and until someone from the other end of the world begins to control the house, you can not do anything.
Adéla Petráková on Google

Led RGB zarovka s menicimi se barvami byla jako z cirkusu a velmi neprijemna pro oci. Bila nebyla bila, nybrz namodrala a pripominala osvetleni v marnici, takze ani jako obycejna zarovka se nedala pouzit.
The LED RGB bulb with changing colors was like a circus and very unpleasant to the eyes. The white was not white, but blue and resembled the lighting in the morgue, so it could not be used as an ordinary light bulb.
Martin Petřík on Google

Velice špatná zkušenost s touto firmou. Jak z pohledu zákazníka tak zaměstnance. Obrovská fluktuace ve společnosti mluví sama za vše, přístup k lidem je jako ke kusu masa, nebudeš pracovat za tyto peníze, další, na ÚP jich je dost... bohužel chyba je na nejvyšším místě. Někteří lidi nejsou ani lidi, bohužel...
Very bad experience with this company. From the perspective of both the customer and the employee. The huge fluctuation in society speaks for itself, the approach to people is like a piece of meat, you will not work for this money, others, there are enough of them at ÚP ... unfortunately the mistake is at the highest point. Some people are not even people, unfortunately ...
Michael Michalčík on Google

Super smart home věci. Mám doma pod kontrolou to co chci.
Super smart home stuff. I have control over what I want at home.
Radek GT on Google

Absolutní katastrofa, vyhněte se obloukem. Ten systém je možná funkční pro lampičku v ložnici, ale rozhodně nemějte větší ambice. S inteligencí to má pramálo společného, spolehlivost tragická a výrobce zajímá jen prodat a potom už je to jedno. Po několika letech trápení a žádného funkčního řešení od výrobce bude nutné celý systém odinstalovat a nahradit jiným - šílená akce. Rozhodnutí pro Inels bylo to nejhorší co jsem mohl udělat. Holt jsem naletěl na marketing a dostal drahou zkušenost.
Absolute disaster, avoid the arc. That system may work for a bedroom lamp, but definitely don't have more ambition. It has little to do with intelligence, reliability is tragic and the manufacturer is only interested in selling, and then it doesn't matter. After several years of hardship and no functional solution from the manufacturer, it will be necessary to uninstall the entire system and replace it with another one - a crazy action. The decision for Inels was the worst I could make. Holt came across marketing and gained valuable experience.
Parth Vyas on Google

In Ahmadabad location office staff and other people are not satisfying.
Manish Kaushal on Google

The company ELKO EP, a Czech manufacturer of modular electronic devices, has been your partner in wired and wireless solutions for over two decades. Our product range has undergone dynamic development, from simple manufacture of modular devices to developing and implementing wireless solutions and sophisticated wired intelligent systems including multimedia control throughout your entire home. In the past year, we also achieved great progress in getting our systems to communicate with each other, which brings you unlimited possibilities and variations of electrical installations custom-made for your home. A major advantage and founding pillar of our work is our own development capacities and facilities, enabling us to have immediate interaction between you - our customers - and ourselves. We fl exibly fi ne-tune all our products to satisfy not only strict standards, but especially their users in everyday life. Right now, we are working intensively on interconnecting all of our systems, and we are designing wide-ranging solutions for both new home constructions and existing wiring schemes. We are all accustomed to diff erent standards, and everybody has the chance to raise theirs a few notches higher. We also feature our rich portfolio of control elements, including the award-winning wireless device RF Touch, elegant switches and outlets in a unifi ed and timeless design, and the option of control through security keypads, notebooks, smart phones or iPADs. This is all possible, and at ELKO EP, it has now become a reality.

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