Entrance Gallery

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Entrance Gallery

Address :

Markétská 1/28, 169 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Website : http://entrancegallery.com/
Categories :
City : Praha

Markétská 1/28, 169 00 Praha 6, Czechia
Ales “aleŠnekovy cesty” Nekvapil on Google

CZE: Velice zajímavé místo s možností procházky po rozlehlé zahradě Břevnovského kláštera. Oranžerie prošla rekonstrukcí ( první etapa byla dokončena v květnu 2012). ENG: Very interesting place with walks in the large garden Brevnov Monastery. Orangery renovated (the first phase was completed in May 2012).
CZE: Very interesting place with the possibility to walk around the large garden of Brevnov Monastery. The orangery was reconstructed (the first stage was completed in May 2012). ENG: Very interesting place with walks in large garden Brevnov Monastery. Orangery renovated (The first phase was completed in May 2012).
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Jižní svahy nad břevnovským klášterem získávaly podobu okrasných zahrad už po roce 1718, zdejší oranžerie a skleníky byly vybudovány až v roce 1736, pravděpodobně podle plánů Kiliána Ignáce Dientzenhofera. Z objektu se dochovalo jen torzo původní barokní podoby, od 2. světové války byla stavba v havarijním stavu. Její oprava se kvůli nedostatku financí stále odkládala, až prakticky zanikla. Byla obnovena do původního stavu mezi lety 2009-12 podle zachovaných plánů z roku 1945, kdy byla ještě před zřícením architektonicky zaměřena. The southern slopes above the Břevnov monastery took the form of ornamental gardens after 1718, but the local orangery and greenhouses were not built until 1736, probably according to the plans of Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer. Only the torso of the original Baroque building has been preserved, which has been in a state of disrepair since World War II. Due to the lack of funds, its repair was still postponed until it practically disappeared. It was restored to its original state between 2009-12 according to the preserved plans from 1945, when it was architecturally focused before the collapse.
The southern slopes above the Břevnov monastery took the form of ornamental gardens after 1718, the local orangery and greenhouses were not built until 1736, probably according to the plans of Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer. Only the torso of the original Baroque form has been preserved from the building, since World War II the building has been in a state of disrepair. Due to the lack of funds, its repair was still postponed until it practically disappeared. It was restored to its original state between 2009-12 according to the preserved plans from 1945, when it was architecturally focused before the collapse. The southern slopes above the Břevnov monastery took the form of ornamental gardens after 1718, but the local orangery and greenhouses were not built until 1736, probably according to the plans of Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer. Only the torso of the original Baroque building has been preserved, which has been in a state of disrepair since World War II. Due to the lack of funds, its repair was still postponed until it practically disappeared. It was restored to its original state between 2009-12 according to the preserved plans from 1945, when it was architecturally focused before the collapse.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Stavba rekostruované klášterní oranžerie ( tu původní nechali komouši spadnout ), našla vhodné kulturní užití. Okolí je kouzelné, naprostý klid, jen voda ve fontáně spolu s ptáky cvrčí.
The construction of the reconstructed monastery orangery (the original one was let down by the comrades), found a suitable cultural use. The surroundings are magical, completely calm, only the water in the fountain together with the birds crunches.
Michal Zdeněk Zachar (PEI) on Google

Velmi pěkné místo v zahradě Břevnovského kláštera, občas tu jsou výstavy, ale je obtížnější o nich najít zmínku. Ideální místo pro děti, kolem je úžasný park. Vstup do parku je od 8.00 do 20.00. velmi klidné místo.
Very nice place in the garden of Brevnov Monastery, sometimes there are exhibitions, but it is more difficult to find them. An ideal place for children around is an amazing park. Entry to the park is from 8.00 to 20.00. very quiet place.
Martin Wothan on Google

Replika barokní budovy oranžerie, postavená na torzu původní budovy podle plánů a vzpomínek pamětníků - takže de facto hollywoodská kulisa. Občasné výstavy, u vchodu fontána, několik artefaktů a fascinující strom na příchozí cestě viz fotografie.
A replica of a baroque orangery building, built on the torsion of the original building according to the plans and memories of witnesses - so a de facto Hollywood backdrop. Occasional exhibitions, at the entrance of a fountain, several artifacts and a fascinating tree on the incoming path see photos.
Anita Kolorita on Google

Skvělá malička galerie s unikátním konceptem . Rozhodně stojí za to si k oranžerii udělat cestu a kdykoliv prohlédnout výstavu , které jsou zde zdarma a navíc věnované důležitým tématům . Taktéž je zde k dispozici i knihovna !
Great little gallery with a unique concept. It is definitely worth making a trip to the orangery and to see the exhibition at any time, which are free here and also dedicated to important topics. There is also a library available!
Максим Баранов on Google

Pavel Vančát on Google

Contemporary art in Baroque gardenq

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