Evangelický kostel

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Contact Evangelický kostel

Address :

J. z Poděbrad 284/7, Vnitřní Město, 284 01 Kutná Hora, Czechia

Categories :
City : Kutná Hora

J. z Poděbrad 284/7, Vnitřní Město, 284 01 Kutná Hora, Czechia
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Stavba evangelického kostela v neoempirovém slohu byla realizována od května do prosince 1887 místním stavitelem J. Procházkou, podle návrhu pražského architekta Františka Buldry, rodáka z nedalekého Kaňku. Architekt vsadil na strohost a jednoduchost při dodržení slohové čistoty a symetrie. V předsíni kostela je umístěna pamětní deska Dr Alexandru Moody Stuartovi z Edinburgu, moderátorovi reformované Skotské církve, jehož přičiněním získal kutnohorský evangelický reformovaný sbor velký dar při stavbě kostela. Interiéry byly v letech 1972-1979 upraveny podle návrhu manželů Radových. V průčelí jsou umístěny obrazy "Starý a Nový zákon" od Miroslava Rady, po stranách pak delší biblické texty. The construction of the evangelical church in the neoempire style was carried out from May to December 1887 by the local builder J. Procházka, according to the design of the Prague architect František Buldra, a native of nearby Kaňk. The architect bet on austerity and simplicity while maintaining stylistic purity and symmetry. In the vestibule of the church is a memorial plaque to Dr Alexander Moody Stuart of Edinburgh, moderator of the Reformed Church of Scotland, who made a great gift to the Kutná Hora Evangelical Reformed Church in the construction of the church. The interiors were modified in the years 1972-1979 according to the design of the man and wife Rada´s. In the facade there are paintings "Old and New Testament" by Miroslav Rada, and longer biblical texts on the sides.
The construction of the evangelical church in the neoempir style was carried out from May to December 1887 by the local builder J. Procházka, according to the design of the Prague architect František Buldra, a native of nearby Kaňka. The architect bet on austerity and simplicity while maintaining stylistic purity and symmetry. A memorial plaque to Dr. Alexander Moody Stuart of Edinburgh, moderator of the Reformed Church of Scotland, is placed in the vestibule of the church, and the Kutná Hora Evangelical Reformed Church received a great gift in the construction of the church. The interiors were modified in the years 1972-1979 according to the design of the Rads. In the facade there are paintings "Old and New Testament" by Miroslav Rada, and longer biblical texts on the sides. The construction of the evangelical church in the neoempire style was carried out from May to December 1887 by the local builder J. Procházka, according to the design of the Prague architect František Buldra, a native of nearby Kaňk. The architect bet on austerity and simplicity while maintaining stylistic purity and symmetry. In the vestibule of the church is a memorial plaque to Dr Alexander Moody Stuart of Edinburgh, moderator of the Reformed Church of Scotland, who made a great gift to the Kutná Hora Evangelical Reformed Church in the construction of the church. The interiors were modified in the years 1972-1979 according to the design of the man and wife Rada´s. In the facade there are paintings "Old and New Testament" by Miroslav Rada, and longer biblical texts on the sides.

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