Ferry Klecanky - Roztoky

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ferry Klecanky - Roztoky

Address :

Povltavská 87, Klecánky, 250 67 Klecany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8897
Website : http://www.klecany.cz/obsah/privoz-klecanky-91.html
Categories :
City : Klecany

Povltavská 87, Klecánky, 250 67 Klecany, Czechia
Jakub Saska on Google

Runs every full and half hour. 15 czk for an adult + 5 for a bike. Nice experience.
Jan Szala on Google

It's a nice shortcut to/from Klecany, when you drive from Prague 6. You don't have to go long way to Kralupy or drive thru the city center.
Franco Laiuppa on Google

Quick and efficient ride. You can take your bicycle with you. The cost is 20 Kč.
Mirek Vitásek on Google

great place how to cross the river
Bob Koutsky on Google

It's a ferry. It takes you from one side of the river to the another without getting wet, drowning or other inconveniences. What else to add? Anyway, what kind of crazy person even reads a review for a ferry? You are weird. I like that.
Pavel Srb on Google

Essential transportation service!
Ondřej Svoboda on Google

Nice, old, it's fun. Travel time could be longer, because is very nice. Ferrymans are fantastic.
Nadej on Google

Close farry is juice point with beer and hot dogs.its nice end off bike trip from Prague 7 park Stromovka true bike road to Klecany.

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