Ferry Lovosice - Píšťany

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ferry Lovosice - Píšťany

Address :

Přívozní 114, 410 02 Lovosice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7999
Website : http://www.meulovo.cz/privozy-pres-reku-labe-v-nasem-okoli/d-11918/p1%3D11384
Categories :
City : Lovosice

Přívozní 114, 410 02 Lovosice, Czechia
Lucie Medojed on Google

Docela srandovní akrobatický zážitek na Píšťanské straně. ? Zasloužilo by to udělat malé molo. Když je vyšší hladina Labe, tak je to i docela adrenalin. Z Lovosice strany luxus. :) Pan prevoznik je prostě správný námořník ⚓ ?
Quite a funny acrobatic experience on the Píšťanská side. ? It would deserve to make a small pier. When the level of the Elbe is higher, it is also quite adrenaline. Luxury from Lovosice. :) Mr. Ferryman is just the right sailor ⚓ ?
P K on Google

výborný a ochotný převozník.. přívoz super !
excellent and helpful ferryman .. ferry super!
Petr Čáp on Google

Pan kapitán je jako z večerníčku, navíc ochotný a dokonce mě vzal na palubu i s kolem. Doporučuji všem využít průvozu a užit si sice krátkou, za to zajímavou plavbu.
Mr. Captain is like a bedtime story, more helpful and even took me aboard with the bike. I recommend everyone to use the transit and enjoy a short, for this interesting cruise.
Daniel Macák on Google

Perfektní služba, převozník nám ještě poradil kam jít a nejít. Spokojenost. Ceny - dospělí 20,-, děti a senioři 10,- a ZTP 5,- Kč.
Perfect service, the ferryman still advised us where to go and not go. Satisfaction. Prices - adults 20, -, children and seniors 10, - and disabled 5, - CZK.
Milan Záruba on Google

Jeďte přívozem je to zábavné.
Take the ferry is fun.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Asi nebudu sám, pro koho je využití brodu přes řeku velkým a romantickým zážitkem na cestách. Pocit, kdy jste tak blízko vodní hladiny a zároveň daleko od břehů, umožňuje pozorovat okolí úplně v jiném světle. Proto nikdy nevynechám možnost svézt se přívozem, i když to někdy stojí několik kilometrů chůze navíc. Když jsem se vracel z Lovoše a Opárenského údolí do Lovosic, rozhodl jsem se vzít to přes Velké Žernoseky a Píšťany, což mi nabídlo zažít brod dokonce dvakrát. K překonání Labe v Lovosicích můžete využít člun Tramín, který vyjíždí z přístaviště u sportovní haly. Od dubna do května a v říjnu je v provozu v pátek a o víkendech, od června do srpna jezdí každý den - zájemce převáží každou půl hodinu od 8:00 do 20:00 hodin. Za cestu přes Labe zaplatí dospělý 15 Kč, děti 10 Kč a za kolo připlatí 5 Kč. Loď má kapacitu dvanáct lidí. I'm surely not alone, for whom the use of the Ford over the river is a great and romantic experience on the road. The feeling that you are so close to the water surface and at the same time far away from the shores makes it possible to observe the surroundings completely in a different light. That's why I never miss the opportunity to ride a ferry even though it sometimes costs a couple of miles of extra walking. When I returned from Lovoš hill and Opárno valley to Lovosice, I decided to take it through Velké Žernoseky and Píšťany, which offered me to experience the ford even twice during one afternoon. To cross the Elbe in Lovosice, you can use the Tramin boat, which leaves from the dock near the sports hall. From April to May and October, it operates on Fridays and weekends, and from June to August it runs every day - the ferry transmits it´s passengers every half hour from 8:00 to 20:00. For the journey through Elbe, the adult will pay 15 CZK, children 10 CZK and 5 CZK for a bicycle. The ferry has a maximum capacity of twelve people.
I probably won't be alone, for whom the use of the ford across the river is a great and romantic experience on the road. The feeling of being so close to the water surface and at the same time far from the shores allows you to observe the surroundings in a completely different light. That's why I never miss the opportunity to take a ferry, even if it sometimes costs a few kilometers extra walk. When I was returning from Lovovo and Opárenské údolí to Lovosice, I decided to take it via Velké Žernoseky and Píšťany, which offered me to experience the ford even twice. To cross the Elbe in Lovosice, you can use the boat Tramín, which departs from the dock at the sports hall. From April to May and October it is open on Fridays and weekends, from June to August it runs every day - those interested carry every half hour from 8:00 to 20:00. An adult pays CZK 15 for a trip across the Elbe, children CZK 10 and pays CZK 5 per bike. The ship has a capacity of twelve people. I'm surely not alone, for whom the use of the Ford over the river is a great and romantic experience on the road. The feeling that you are so close to the water surface and at the same time far away from the shores makes it possible to observe the surroundings completely in a different light. That's why I never miss the opportunity to ride a ferry even though it sometimes costs a couple of miles of extra walking. When I returned from Lovoš hill and Opárno valley to Lovosice, I decided to take it through Velké Žernoseky and Píšťany, which offered me to experience the ford even twice during one afternoon. To cross the Elbe in Lovosice, you can use the Tramin boat, which leaves from the dock near the sports hall. From April to May and October, it operates on Fridays and weekends, and from June to August it runs every day - the ferry transmits it´s passengers every half hour from 8:00 to 20:00. For the journey through Elbe, the adult will pay 15 CZK, children 10 CZK and 5 CZK for a bicycle. The ferry has a maximum capacity of twelve people.
Zorana Pokorná on Google

Super! Na rozdíl od přívozu v Žernosekách funguje. ?
Great! Unlike the ferry in Žernoseky, it works. ?
Pavel Haman on Google

Funguje. Milý pan převozní.

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