Fifty Five Ltd.

2.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fifty Five Ltd.

Address :

J. Masaryka 43, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
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Categories :
City : Vinohrady

J. Masaryka 43, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
Geoffrey Dreux on Google

Thibaut ld on Google

Caution rendue rapidement après la sortie de l'appartement, et cela dit très professionnel.
Deposit returned quickly after leaving the apartment, and that said very professional.
Laurence Laugier on Google

Surtout ne faites aucune confiance à cette agence! ils prendront votre argent sans vous délivrez le moindre service. Leurs tarifs sont très élevés par rapport à ce qui se pratique à Prague et surtout ils ne respectent ni leur client ni les contrats qu'ils signent avec eux. Ma fille avait réservé une chambre via le site student-room-flat (attention Fifty-Five est le partenaire privilégié de student-room-flat, les dirigeants de ces 2 sociétés sont les mêmes personnes, des français). L'annonce et le contrat indiquait : "chambre dans appartement récemment rénové", en réalité un appartement vétuste, des fenêtres qui ferment mal, pas d'eau chaude, un mobilier d'un autre âge ! A son arrivée à Prague , on lui a remis les clés et démerde toi ! personne ne l'a accompagné à l'appartement, aucun état des lieux n'a été dressé comme indiqué dans le contrat. Ils n'ont même pas daigné avertir la colocataire de l'arrivée de ma fille ce qui aurait été la moindre des politesses vis à vis de cette personne. Lorsque ma fille a signalé les disfonctionnements, aucune action de Fifty Five! ni de student-room-flat du moment qu'ils ont encaissé leur frais de réservation, le premier mois de loyer et la caution (au total 1100€), tu ne les interesse plus ! ma fille a quitté l'appartement après seulement 2 jours en les prévenant au préalable, et là biensûr impossible d'obtenir le moindre remboursement, même la caution ils refusaients de la restituer. J'ai dû intervenir pour récupérer au moins la caution, qu'ils vous remboursent biensûr en courronne tchèque alors que vous l'avez payé en euros, histoire de vous escroquer encore quelques euros! Non vraiment, Fifty-Five n'est pas une agence sérieuse, d'ailleurs les avis google sont pitoyables et les avis sur la page FB de student-room-flat le sont également, c'est sans doute la raison pour laquelle ils en ont retiré l'accès récemment ....
Above all, do not trust this agency! they will take your money without giving you any service. Their prices are very high compared to what is practiced in Prague and above all they do not respect their client or the contracts they sign with them. My daughter had reserved a room via the student-room-flat site (note Fifty-Five is the privileged partner of student-room-flat, the directors of these 2 companies are the same people, French). The advertisement and the contract read: "room in a recently renovated apartment", in reality a dilapidated apartment, windows that do not close properly, no hot water, furniture from another age! When he arrived in Prague, we gave him the keys and get out of the way! no one accompanied him to the apartment, no inventory was drawn up as indicated in the contract. They did not even deign to warn the roommate of the arrival of my daughter which would have been the least of courtesies to this person. When my daughter reported the malfunctions, no action from Fifty Five! or student-room-flat as long as they have cashed their reservation fee, the first month's rent and the deposit (in total 1100 €), you no longer interest them! my daughter left the apartment after only 2 days, warning them beforehand, and there of course impossible to obtain any refund, even the deposit they refused to return it. I had to intervene to recover at least the deposit, which they will of course reimburse you in Czech crowns when you paid it in euros, just to cheat you a few more euros! No really, Fifty-Five is not a serious agency, besides the google reviews are pitiful and the reviews on the FB page of student-room-flat are too, this is probably the reason why they recently removed access ....
Louise Rey on Google

The worst agency you could find in Prague. Go your way !
Ju Gauthier on Google

They took 30€ from my deposit for nothing and as they don't do check in and out with you you can't claim for that. There was a lot humility around the window and behind posters, gone in summer and back in winter... To avoid
Colom Marine on Google

The agency have 60 days to deposit back. I left the 10th of July, they give me back the deposit (after 4 or 5 emails asking for it) the 3rd of October! Plus the amount was not the right one, it was 100 euros less than what it was supposed to be. No answer, no apologies. Very disappointed of the service and definitely not reliable agency
Leyla Tielemans on Google

The flat was great and looked like the picture (I was in the Royal Apartment Room 1), and the flatmates were the best. However, the agency's services are way overpriced. I had contact with the employees only on the day of my arrival, for 30min max (just the time to get the keys and sign a few forms). The rest of the communication was entirely directly between the landlord and us tenants, no interaction of SRF. The agency was not helpful at all in situations of doubt or when something needed follow-up. Considering they ask a price higher than a month of rent (!!!) for their services, I was expecting a little more than this. For example, it would seem like a great idea to come up with an efficient, affordable way of paying rent, without losing dozens of EUR through conversion.
Gabriel Goin on Google

At the beginning it was great, just a bit overpriced for the services (you only see the employees when you arrive, they just give you the key and make you sign the contract, you have to do the check-in by yourself). But then it became unacceptable when it was raining inside the flat during storms, and we had to call the agency three times before they really react and do something to fix it. The ceiling was in good condition when I arrived, find here a picture of the ceiling when I left (20 weeks after).

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