Fio banka

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fio banka

Address :

Táboritská 1782/40, 130 00 Vinohrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6PM
Friday 8:30AM–5PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Vinohrady

Táboritská 1782/40, 130 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
Martin Rozbik on Google

Jsem rád za tuto pobočku - mame ji blizko z podniku a nebývá tu narvano jako v jiných ppbockach. Hvězdu dolů dávám za celkem laxní presonal. Už několikrát se mi stalo že na pobočce je pouze jeden zaměstnanec, který obsluhuje jak pokladnu tak ostatní služby.
I'm happy for this branch - we have it close to the company and it's not as crowded here as in other ppbocks. I consider the star down to be quite lax presonal. It has happened to me several times that there is only one employee at the branch, who serves both the cash register and other services.
Aleks e on Google

Пришел в этот банк для открытия счета для s.r.o. (ему уже 7 лет, хорошая история,есть счёт в другом банке). Привлекли тарифы для отправки денег за пределы ЕС. Очень разочарован. Открытие счета сказали займёт две-три недели!!.И это в 2020 году. Хамоватый персонал, общаються как продавец где то в сельпо в 90 годах в России. Банк отстойный, никому не советую.
Came to this bank to open an account for s.r.o. (he is already 7 years old, good story, he has an account in another bank). Attracted tariffs for sending money outside the EU. Very disappointed. Opening an account was said to take two to three weeks !!. And this is in 2020. Rough staff, communicate like a seller somewhere in a general store in the 90s in Russia. The bank sucks, I don't recommend it to anyone.
Míša Mudráková on Google

Ta pobočka je po ruce, jsou tam milí zaměstnanci. Ale prostě banka, která je otevřená a má zavřenou pokladnu pro mě není úplně k užitku. Prosím, alespoň si aktualizujte data tam, kde je lidé hledají. 2x jsem přijela podle otevírací doby a ani jednou jsem neuspěla správně.
The branch is at hand, there are nice employees. But simply a bank that is open and has a closed cash register is not entirely useful to me. Please at least update the data where people are looking for it. I arrived twice according to the opening hours and never once did I succeed properly.
Alexandr A. on Google

Naprosté fiasko, po hodině čekání mi ředitel ani jeho kolegyne nebyli schopni zjistit žádné přesné informace o zahraničních platbách a poplatcích, ani zrušit účet a vyplatit prostředky v hotovotsti. Paní neustále chatovala s centralou, jelikož sama žádné informace zřejmě nevěděla. Naprosto laxní přístup se slovy "s tím vám nepomůžu" na jakýkoliv dotaz. K čemu taková osoba v bance je? Ruším všechny účty a s Fio bankou končím. Nikomu nedoporučuji.
A complete fiasco, after an hour of waiting, neither the director nor his colleagues were able to find out any accurate information about foreign payments and fees, nor to cancel the account and pay out the funds in cash. The lady kept chatting with the headquarters, as she apparently did not know any information herself. Absolutely lax approach with the words "I will not help you with that" to any question. What is the use of such a person in a bank? I cancel all accounts and quit with Fio banka. I do not recommend it to anyone.
Pawel M on Google

The bank is open but Cash desk is closed. Does not happen in other countries and other banks. Therefore I am changing the bank.
M on Google

Thomas was my banker and he was very friendly and helpful. He speaks good English and followed up with my account approval quickly as well.
A K on Google

Guys did their job - opened account, no more no less, would not say I was much welcomed here, but I guess it's not the main focus, most things could be done easily from home
Alex on Google

customer service is a non existent concept here. hopefully your account won't get too blocked due to antiquated system of inability to change and verify your phone automatically online or via sms, requiring extensive documentation and hassle to change a phone to enter your smart banking.

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