FortMedica ORL Modřany

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact FortMedica ORL Modřany

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Poliklinika Modřany Soukalova 3355/3, 143 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7888
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City : Praha

Poliklinika Modřany Soukalova 3355/3, 143 00 Praha 4, Czechia
Petr Huml on Google

Nechal jsem si u pana doktora Fořta zredukovat nosní skořepy, před 5 týdny. Dýchání nosem se již velmi zlepšilo, i když proces drobného hojení stále probíhá. Chtěl bych celému týmu ještě jednou poděkovat za dobře odvedenou práci a popřát do budoucna mnoho úspěchů a spokojených pacientů :)
I had my nasal shells reduced by Dr. Fort, 5 weeks ago. Nasal breathing has already greatly improved, although the process of minor healing is still ongoing. I would like to thank the whole team once again for a job well done and wish them many successes and satisfied patients in the future :)
Nora Zothova on Google

Právě mě odmítli vyšetřit dítě s akutním zánětem dutin. Byla jsem v tomto zařízení vždy spokojená s péčí, máme zde obě zdravotní dokumentaci, ale aby sestry na příjmu trvaly na doporučení, které je jen formální záležitost, považuji za zanedbání akutní zdravotní péče. K odpovědi majitele dodávám: Vašemu personálu jsem sdělila, že má dítě krvavou a zelenou rýmu a že potřebuje vyšetřit dutiny, protože má nějaký akutní problém. Prosím neuvádějte lživé informace do odpovědi. Za svým hodnocením si stojím a jsem velice zklamaná tímto neempatickým a dle mého názoru neetickým přístupem personálu. Když přijdu s nemocným dítětem, samozřejmě se nechci objednat na jiný termín, ale takto mi to nabídnuto ani nebylo – bylo mi řečeno, že musím mít doporučení praktického lékaře a pak se mohu objednat na nějaký termín. Ráda bych tuto stížnost komunikovala panu primáři přímo, ale bohužel na něj není uvedena nikde jeho osobní e-mailová adresa.
I just refused to examine a child with acute sinusitis. I have always been satisfied with the care in this facility, we have both medical records here, but I consider the nurses on the reception to insist on a recommendation, which is only a formal matter, a neglect of acute health care. To the owner's answer, I add: I told your staff that the child has a bloody and green cold and that he needs to examine the cavities because he has an acute problem. Please do not include false information in the answer. I stand by my evaluation and I am very disappointed with this non-empathetic and in my opinion unethical approach of the staff. Of course, when I come with a sick child, I don't want to book another appointment, but it wasn't even offered to me like that - I was told that I had to have a GP recommendation and then I could book an appointment. I would like to communicate this complaint directly to the mayor, but unfortunately his personal e-mail address is not mentioned anywhere.
Kateřina Š on Google

Byla jsem zde s bolestí dutin a rýmou, měla jsem ji už přes týden, v té době žádné teploty. Doma jsem si udělala covid test a byl negativní, 3x jsem očkovaná. Byla jsem odmítnuta už z recepce s tím, že nemám v ruce PCR test. No bohužel, nikdo mě na něj neposlal, můj lékař skončil a na telefonu je jen sestra. Na recepci mi sestra, která neměla nasazený respirátor, narozdíl ode mě, nasadila si ho až po nějaké době, mi řekla, že se musí chránit. No ať se chrání a nosí respirátor. Řekla mi ať jdu na PCR bylo odpoledne a druhý den ráno ať přijdu s výsledkem, že pak mě vezmou. Nebyl takto rychle volný termín, ani laboratoř takto rychle ten test neudělá. Vím, že covid nemám, na dutiny trpím. Jsem zdravotník a u nás po lidech testy pro vstup do ordinace nechceme. Kdyby fungoval můj praktik, tak bych je tam opravdu neobtěžovala, ale skončil, hledá se za něj náhrada. Už si to nějak vyřeším jinde, ale ješte že to není třeba interna, že by odmítli člověka s infarktem, protože nemá v ruce PCR test. K Vaší odpovědi: já to chápu, ale já toho praktika právě teď nemám, skončil a je nějaký v jednání jestli tu ordinaci převezme. Proto jsem zkusila jít jinam, jinak bych řešila přes praktika.
I was here with sinus pain and a cold, I had it for over a week, no temperatures at the time. I did a covid test at home and it was negative, I was vaccinated 3 times. I was rejected from the reception on the grounds that I did not have a PCR test in hand. Unfortunately, no one sent me to him, my doctor is finished and there is only a nurse on the phone. At the reception, a nurse who didn't have a respirator on, unlike me, put it on after a while, told me she had to protect herself. Well, let him protect himself and wear a respirator. She told me to go to PCR in the afternoon and the next morning to come with the result that they would take me. There was no deadline so quickly, and the lab wouldn't do the test so quickly. I know I don't have covid, I suffer from cavities. I am a medic and we do not want tests for people to enter the surgery. If my practitioner worked, I wouldn't really bother them there, but he ended up looking for a replacement. I'll solve it somewhere else, but still that it doesn't need an intern to reject a person with a heart attack, because he doesn't have a PCR test in his hand. To your answer: I understand that, but I don't have a practitioner right now, he's finished and there's a negotiation between him if he takes over the surgery. That's why I tried to go elsewhere, otherwise I would solve through internships.
Jana Secká on Google

Naprostá spokojenost, špičková péče, milý, ochotný a příjemný personál. Syn trpěl silným motáním hlavy a závratěmi. Lékaři v místě našeho bydliště zhodnotili, že problém vyvolaly časté záněty středouší a nedá se s tím prakticky nic dělat. Po návštěvě kliniky FortMedica, kterou jsem si sama vyhledala na internetu, se po zjištění pravé příčiny jeho problémů v krční páteři, změně medikace a rehabilitacím jeho stav podstatně zlepšil. Pan doktor Groh má naše veliké DÍKY, vstřícný, příjemný a profesionální přístup. Všem doporučuji!!!
Absolute satisfaction, top care, nice, helpful and friendly staff. The son suffered from severe dizziness and dizziness. Doctors at our place of residence have assessed that the problem was caused by frequent otitis media and there is practically nothing to do with it. After visiting the FortMedica clinic, which I searched for on the Internet, his condition improved significantly after finding out the real cause of his problems in the cervical spine, changing medication and rehabilitating him. Dr. Groh has our big THANKS, helpful, friendly and professional approach. I recommend to everyone !!!
Pavla Rez on Google

The receptionist was rude with the lady who was waiting in a queue in front of me, she was yelling at her to fill some form at the reception table, but the lady just wanted to take glasses and fill it while sitting. When this poor lady started her hands to shake and was unable to write, the receptionist had let her to sit finally. When I came to order, the receptionist explained me, that without the reccomending paper from the GP, the doctor might not behave nice with me and most probably will be angry. Seriously??? Anyway, it is in conflict with what they say on their web, that patient can come without recommendation and they serve as 2nd opinion practice and so on.. Well definitely not...
Elizaveta Kildishova on Google

DO NOT recommend! Doctor I visited was very rude. She didn't ask me what date is suitable for me to have the next appointment, she just set an appointment and almost put me behind doors. Also when I asked a question the doctor started acting arrogant and raised her voice. I left in tears because I have a health problem but more to that the doctor acted arrogant which destroyed my mood completely. Also they claim they speak English - reception doesn't, they can't even make an appointment. Even tho all the doctors seem to have big experience I just can't go there anymore because my mental health is also important to me. As for commenting your answer: don't say I didn't show up without a notice! It AGAIN proves the reception doesn't do it's job! I called 5 days prior and cancelled my appointment and they said it's fine and cancelled!!! About appointment date: again: I was crying I couldn't speak about dates or time.
Agshin Guliyev on Google

Unfortunately I do not feel safe with this clinic anymore. CZE. V této klinice se již necítím v dobrých rukách. Můžete si přeložit z angličtiny do češtiny. RUS. Я не думаю что я в хороших руках с ними. Переведите мой текст с Английского и читайте. I regret to trust and decide for a surgery in FortMedica. I have deviated nasal septum that needed septoplasty surgery, as the right side of my nose does not breathe properly. I already had 1 unsuccessful surgery back in my home-country. On December, I had the 2nd surgery in FortMedica with Radim Kaňa hoping I will be saved this time. Two of my friends were waiting for my results to have the same surgery in this clinics, and it is not going to happen. Here is why: Little fact: Septoplasty is a surgery to straighten the bone (the wall) between your two nostrils. - Guess what, my septum is still deviated and I still do not breathe comfortably after the second surgery. The surgery went 3 hours. They kept me under the poison called anesthesia for 3 long hours, yet no difference. WHY?! - My stitches were poorly done. There are 3 opened holes inside my nose and they are horribly infected. - After I woke up from my surgery I was in horrible pain and begging nurses to inject a painkiller in my vein. They were rejecting me all the time and giving pills which would not work as I was vomiting non-stop whole day after huge load of anesthesia in my body. WHY I paid for 1 night stay service then? May I ask my money back for all damages done? Including the tamponades in my nose which I DID NOT ask for, that caused me lots of blood loss and complications when they took it off. - I have discovered dark bruises around my shoulder and neck area, and deep burns on my arm. Not sure if drinking or smoking is allowed before surgery, because a sober and focused team would treat patients more carefully, and think about the bad consequences they may have. - The nurses were extremely rude and are not well familiar with alphabet. A woman (skinny, age 35-45) insulted my name behind the door, just because it was hard for her to spell it. Yes, we heard it, and I will take it personally. My experience shows that they treat foreigners however they want just because they are foreigners and do not speak Czech. - When I visit my doctor for a post-surgery checkup, I could never complain to him about anything. He does not communicate well, giving the me the impression that he is simply trying to get rid of me, and always had 1 standard answer to any of my concerns - “your surgery was very demanding”. Do you think this is the proper answer? I think this is something he should mention BEFORE the surgery, not after... Above mentioned are not all of the problems I have had with them, but rather important ones. Nothing makes me so different or less privileged from the other patients. I have payed the same amount of money, had the same rights as anyone else, yet I was treated like garbage. Doctor is not so welcoming and reliable to me. My nurses were not so helpful around me, and ignoring the fact that my ear (with my permission they cut and took the bone from my ear to transfer it to my nose) and my nose is painfully pulsating, leaving me in agonizing feeling. Despite everything, it is worth mentioning that the only ones who treated and talked to me kind after the surgery were Dr. Nadeem and Dr. Petra (both spoke good english), and sadly they were around me only for short time. So far, I have tons of questions in my mind about my surgery to the doctor, and nobody has ever answered those. If you are planning to make a surgery as complicated and painful as the septoplasty, do yourself a favor, visit them trusted hospitals of Germany ;) EDIT: please be extra attentive with what you are analyzing and writing. Dr. Fort has not specifically answered my questions above, because he was not in the surgery room and he did not carry responsibility for the things that happened, and when I visited him, I complained to him about the issue, as he could luckily listen and understand the patient.
prem sunny on Google

Kid Ear Piercing: I had a wonderful and pleasant experience with the working staff of Modrany branch. We don't speak czech however they have nurses who can communicate in english. The doctor was very friendly, patient and professional. She examined both the ears before piercing and educated us about the process. The whole process was quick and smooth. Doctor used gunshot for piercing. I strongly recommend them for kids ear piercing.... !!!

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