Four-chairlift Lipno - Kramolín

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Four-chairlift Lipno - Kramolín

Address :

Slupečná 307, 382 78 Lipno nad Vltavou, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
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Categories :
City : Lipno nad Vltavou

Slupečná 307, 382 78 Lipno nad Vltavou, Czechia
Jana Škabroudová on Google

Svezli jsme se z celodenní návštěvy Stezky v korunách stromů a Království lesa. Přišlo nám to vyloženě vhod ?
We had a ride from a day-long visit to the Tree-top Trail and the Forest Kingdom. We found it very useful ?
Daniel Novák on Google

Lanovka dobry ale u kasy nam naka silena zenska vsechno natukala aniz by se zeptala co chceme, pomalu uz mi i vytahla telefon z kapsy aby to zaplatila a pak nam rekla ze uz muzeme jit. Ani jsme si nestacili vsimnout ze si muzeme lanovku kupovat spolu se stezkou korunami stromu za mnohem lepsi cenu. Radim vam, az budete u kasy reknete ji at si najde vlastni terminal a natukejte si sami co chcete.
The cable car is good, but at the cash register a strong woman pulled us all without asking what we want, slowly even pulled the phone out of my pocket to pay for it and then told us that we could go now. We didn't even notice that we could buy the cable car along with the treetop trail for a much better price. I advise you to tell her when she will find her own terminal and fill in what you want.
Jan Novák on Google

"Dělejte dělejte, ta lanovka pořád jede, to jste měli říct dopředu, že máte malé dítě". Ještě jednou mi tohle řekneš, slepej floutku, a dostaneš bombu, možná budeš pak líp vidět.
"Do it, do it, the cable car is still moving, you should have said in advance that you have a small child." You tell me this one more time, blind flute, and you get a bomb, maybe you'll see better then.
barbora hudcova on Google

Moderní lanová dráha, která vás vyveze až k vyhlídkové věž Stezka korunami stromů. Na pokladně je možné koupit výhodný balíček- vstup na stezku i výjezd/sjezd lanovkou
A modern funicular that will take you all the way up to the treetop lookout tower. At the cash desk it is possible to buy a bargain package - entry to the trail and exit / exit by cable car
Josef “The Wall” Bína on Google

Čtyřsedačková lanovka od Mariny Lipno ke Stezce v korunách stromů na Kramolíně. Nahoru za 110 Kč, zpáteční za 180 Kč (s LipnoCard máte slevu). Ideální kombinace je nahoru lanovkou a dolů po svých.
A four-seater cable car from Marina Lipno to the Treetop Trail in Kramolín. Up for 110 CZK, return for 180 CZK (with LipnoCard you have a discount). The ideal combination is up the cable car and down on your own.
martin kobera on Google

Ortal Cohen on Google

Expensive, low value.
Nonna Arustamyan on Google

Loved it!!!! We were little scared how we will get in and out with small kids, but at the end all went smooth. You can also take stroller with you. It was great trip and kids loved it!!! Wanted to return just for the ride;)

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