Galerie soch pod libochovickým zámkem

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Contact Galerie soch pod libochovickým zámkem

Address :

Unnamed Road, 411 17 Libochovice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Libochovice

Unnamed Road, 411 17 Libochovice, Czechia
Ivo Weiss on Google

Auto CamCZ on Google

Vaclav Pluskal on Google

Odpočinkové místo s výhledem na Ohři a rybníček
Resting place with a view of the Ohře and a pond
Tomáš Noll on Google

Kouzelné místo s rozsáhlým parkem, plným různorodých dřevin. Park je udržovaný. Zámek v super stavu, snad jen tu střechu by zasloužil novou, vhodnější k této stavbě...
A magical place with a large park full of various trees. The park is well maintained. Castle in super condition, perhaps only the roof would deserve a new, more suitable for this building ...
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Působivou galerii šesti soch světců najdete na okraji zámeckého parku v Libochovicích, na břehu slepého ramene řeky Ohře. Pokud přicházíte k zámku hlavním vstupem směrem od náměstí 5. května, těsně před bránou na nádvoří odbočte doleva. Ještě jednodušší přístup je ze silnice do Poplze, před mostem přes Ohři, u kostela Všech svatých. Bývalé slepé rameno řeky tu bylo přeměněno na malý rybník a místo je velmi malebné a klidné, pokud zrovna nemáte chuť potkávat davy turistů na nádvoří zámku v letní sezóně. Galerie vznikla v letech 1715 až 1729 díky majitelům libochovického zámku a libochovickým duchovním. Tehdy kolem soch vedla příjezdová cesta do města. Ve 20. století po regulaci řeky z řečiště zůstalo jen slepé rameno řeky a cesta vedoucí do města byla po stavbě nového mostu přeložena jinam. Dodnes můžete vidět zbytky starého mostu. Sochy zůstaly na svých místech a postupně se dočkaly restaurátorských zásahů. Socha Kristus na kříži byla postavena roku 1719 nákladem Anny Tayzíkové, která financovala i stavbu mariánského sloupu na zdejším náměstí. V letech 1993 až 1995 byla značně poničená socha nákladem města opravena akademickým sochařem Miroslavem Zentnerem a 17. května 1995 posvěcena. Socha sv. Josefa s Ježíškem byla postavena roku 1724 zásluhou hejtmana Václava Josefa Tvrzníka. Restaurována byla koncem 20. stol. Autoři kamenné kopie museli vzhledem k nedostatku hodnověrné historické dokumentace originálu vycházet pouze z fragmentární skulptury, která již dávno pozbyla autorskou modelaci i rukopis. Socha sv. Václava byla postavena roku 1715 nákladem libochovického duchovního P. Václava Hennigera ze Seebergu. V roce 1929 zničena povodní. Její obnovu provedl akademický sochař Karel Zentner nákladem duchovního Václava Oplta. Socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého byla postavena roku 1729 nákladem majitele libochovického panství Waltera Františka Xavera Dietrichsteina a jeho manželky Karoliny Maxmiliány rozené hraběnky z Pruskova. O soše doposud nejsou k dispozici žádné další zprávy. Socha sv. Jana Evangelisty byla postavena roku 1740 rovněž nákladem majitele libochovického panství Karla Dietrichsteina a jeho manželky rozené hraběnky z Khevenhülleru. Autorem sochy byl Antonín Braun. I socha Panny Marie Bolestné byla postavena roku 1740 Autorství sochy stejně jako financování je shodné s předchozí zmíněnou sochou sv. Jana Evangelisty. An impressive gallery of six statues of saints can be found at the edge of the Chateau Park in Libochovice, on the banks of the Ohře River's blind shoulder. If you come to the castle by the main entrance from the Square of May 5, turn left just before the main gate to the courtyard. Even easier access is from the road to Poplze, in front of the bridge over Ohře, beside the Church of All Saints. The former blind riverbed here has been transformed into a small pond and the place is very picturesque and quiet, if you just do not want to meet crowds of tourists in the courtyard of the chateau in the busy summer season. The gallery was built between 1715 and 1729 thanks to the owners of the Libochovice Chateau and the Libochovice clergy. Then the driveway to the city led around the statues. In the 20th century, after the regulation of the river from the riverbed, only the blind shoulder of the river remained and the road leading to the city was translated elsewhere after the construction of the new bridge. You can still see the remnants of the old bridge. The sculptures remained in their places and gradually experienced restoration interventions.
An impressive gallery of six statues of saints can be found on the edge of the castle park in Libochovice, on the banks of the blind arm of the river Ohře. If you come to the chateau through the main entrance in the direction from the 5th of May Square, turn left just before the gate in the courtyard. Even easier access is from the road to Poplze, in front of the bridge over the Ohře, at the Church of All Saints. The former blind arm of the river has been transformed into a small pond and the place is very picturesque and quiet, if you do not feel like meeting crowds of tourists in the courtyard of the castle in the summer season. The gallery was established between 1715 and 1729 thanks to the owners of the Libochovice chateau and the Libochovice clergy. At that time, the driveway to the city led around the statues. In the 20th century, after the regulation of the river from the riverbed, only the blind arm of the river remained, and the road leading to the town was relocated after the construction of a new bridge. To this day, you can see the remains of the old bridge. The statues remained in place and gradually underwent restoration work. The statue of Christ on the Cross was built in 1719 at the expense of Anna Tayzíková, who also financed the construction of the Marian Column in the local square. Between 1993 and 1995, the much-damaged statue was repaired by the city at the expense of the academic sculptor Miroslav Zentner and consecrated on May 17, 1995. Statue of St. Josef and Jesus was built in 1724 thanks to President Václav Josef Tvrzník. It was restored at the end of the 20th century. Due to the lack of credible historical documentation of the original, the authors of the stone copy had to rely only on fragmentary sculpture, which had long since lost its authorial modeling and manuscript. Statue of St. Wenceslas Square was built in 1715 at the expense of the Libochovice clergyman Fr. Václav Henniger of Seeberg. Destroyed by floods in 1929. Its restoration was carried out by the academic sculptor Karel Zentner at the expense of the clergyman Václav Oplt. Statue of St. Jan Nepomucký was built in 1729 at the expense of the owner of the Libochovice estate, Walter František Xaver Dietrichstein, and his wife Karolina Maxmiliána, born Countess of Pruskov. There are no more reports about the statue yet. Statue of St. Jan Evangelista was also built in 1740 at the expense of the owner of the Libochovice estate, Karel Dietrichstein, and his wife, the Countess of Khevenhüller. The author of the sculpture was Antonín Braun. The statue of Our Lady of Sorrows was also built in 1740. The authorship of the statue as well as the financing is identical to the previously mentioned statue of St. John the Evangelist. An impressive gallery of six statues of saints can be found at the edge of the Chateau Park in Libochovice, on the banks of the Ohře River's blind shoulder. If you come to the castle by the main entrance from the Square of May 5, turn left just before the main gate to the courtyard. Even easier access is from the road to Poplze, in front of the bridge over Ohře, beside the Church of All Saints. The former blind riverbed here has been transformed into a small pond and the place is very picturesque and quiet, if you just do not want to meet crowds of tourists in the courtyard of the chateau in the busy summer season. The gallery was built between 1715 and 1729 thanks to the owners of the Libochovice Chateau and the Libochovice clergy. Then the driveway to the city led around the statues. In the 20th century, after the regulation of the river from the riverbed, only the blind shoulder of the river remained and the road leading to the city was translated elsewhere after the construction of the new bridge. You can still see the remnants of the old bridge. The sculptures remained in their places and gradually experienced restoration interventions.
Alli Ku (AlliK) on Google

Krásné místo hned pod zahradami Libochovického zámku. Kouzelné, tiché, možnost v klidu posedět a sledovat kachny ve vodě nebo v podvečer užívat západ slunce. ?
A beautiful place just below the gardens of Libochovice Castle. Magical, quiet, the opportunity to sit in peace and watch the ducks in the water or enjoy the sunset in the early evening. ?

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