Gangman Korean Mark - Shin Food

4.3/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Gangman Korean Mark - Shin Food

Address :

1011, Višňová, 434 01 Most, Czechia

Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Categories :
City : Most

1011, Višňová, 434 01 Most, Czechia
Auto CamCZ on Google

Jae Lee on Google

간편해서 좋았어요
I liked that it was easy
má a li on Google

Tento obchod je docela malý ale najdete tam plno korejských potravin i péči o pleť.
This shop is quite small but you will find a lot of Korean food and skin care there.
Toxakos on Google

Konečně nějaký zajímavý shop, škoda že ty ceny jsou vysoké ale dá se to pochopit. Jediný co by to chtělo tak aby ten obchod měl více pití z Koreje a dobré by bylo kdyby zaměstnanec když tak řekl co to je. Protože párkrát jsme netušily co to je. Ale nějak super místo doporučuju
Finally some interesting shop, it's a pity that the prices are high but it can be understood. The only thing he would want the store to have more drinks from Korea and it would be good if the employee said what it was. Because a few times we had no idea what it was. But somehow a great place I recommend

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