Shinfood - Únětická 640

5/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Shinfood

Address :

Únětická 640, 252 62 Horoměřice, Czechia

Postal code : 252
Categories :
City : Horoměřice

Únětická 640, 252 62 Horoměřice, Czechia
Petr Pánek on Google

Jana Kacsenyakova on Google

Junsung Park on Google

홍소영 on Google

멀리온 보람이 있어요 더운데 더위사냥 먹으니까 신나요 여행이 길어서 김치사러 한번 들려봤는데 깨끗하고 없는게 없어요
It’s worth the distance. It’s hot, but I’m excited to eat it. The trip was long, so I stopped by to buy kimchi, but it’s clean and there’s nothing missing.

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