Gymnázium Broumov

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Gymnázium Broumov -

Víceleté veřejné Gymnázium, Broumov, Hradební 218

About Gymnázium Broumov


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Contact Gymnázium Broumov

Address :

Hradební 218, 550 01 Broumov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +97
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Categories :
City : Broumov

Hradební 218, 550 01 Broumov, Czechia
Jakub Hůrka (Interhofer) on Google

Jonáš Kohl on Google

Káťa Nigrinová on Google

Kvido Hadaš on Google

Jáchym Ka on Google

Studuji tu a opravdu hezké prostředí... Miluji to tu...
I study here and really nice environment ... I love it here ...
klikin on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Na místě budovy současného gymnázia byla na konci 13.století farní benediktinská škola na faře u kostela sv. Petra a Pavla. Škola byla v době, kdy ještě neexistoval broumovský klášter (před rokem 1322). Na škole benediktini připravovali vybrané žáky na vstup do řádu a k církevní kariéře. Založení klášterní latinské školy inicioval roku 1624 opat Johann Benno Flaccus von Falkenberg. Jednalo se o třetí nejstarší gymnázium v Čechách, po Chebu a Žatci. Mezi lety 1775 - 1808 byla hlavním předmětem latina, v roce 1747 bylo z nařízení Marie Terezie zavedeno vyučování v němčině. Po roce 1869 byly postupně zaváděny další třídy, takže roku 1873 bylo gymnázium již osmitřídní. V roce 1873 se poprve konala na gymnáziu maturita. At the end of the 13th century, a parish Benedictine school was established in the rectory at the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul. The school was existing at a time when there was no Broumov monastery (before 1322). At the school, the Benedictines were preparing selected pupils to enter the order and to pursue a church career. The founding of the Latin monastery school was initiated in 1624 by Abbot Johann Benno Flaccus von Falkenberg. It was the third oldest grammar school in Bohemia, after Cheb and Žatec. Between 1775 and 1808, Latin was the main subject- Only in 1747, a German-language teaching was introduced from Maria Theresa's order. Further classes were gradually introduced after 1869, so in 1873 the grammar school was already eight-class. In 1873, the school-leaving examination took place for the first time.
At the end of the 13th century, on the site of the building of the current grammar school, there was a parish Benedictine school at the parish near the church of St. Peter and Paul. The school was at a time when the Broumov monastery did not yet exist (before 1322). At the school, the Benedictines prepared selected pupils for entry into the order and for a church career. The founding of the monastic Latin school was initiated in 1624 by Abbot Johann Benno Flaccus von Falkenberg. It was the third oldest grammar school in Bohemia, after Cheb and Žatec. Between 1775 and 1808, the main subject was Latin, and in 1747, teaching in German was introduced by order of Maria Theresa. After 1869, other classes were gradually introduced, so in 1873 the grammar school was already eight classes. In 1873, the high school graduation was held for the first time. At the end of the 13th century, a parish Benedictine school was established in the rectory at the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul. The school was existing at a time when there was no Broumov monastery (before 1322). At the school, the Benedictines were preparing selected pupils to enter the order and to pursue a church career. The founding of the Latin monastery school was initiated in 1624 by Abbot Johann Benno Flaccus von Falkenberg. It was the third oldest grammar school in Bohemia, after Cheb and Žatec. Between 1775 and 1808, Latin was the main subject- Only in 1747, a German-language teaching was introduced from Maria Theresa's order. Further classes were gradually introduced after 1869, so in 1873 the grammar school was already eight-class. In 1873, the school-leaving examination took place for the first time.
Michal Dudek on Google

Na Gymnaziu jsem se byl podivat na den otevrenych dveri 2.12.2017. A na gymnaziu studovala ma zena a jeji sestra. Moc pekne prostredi, budova je historicka, ale zrekonstruovana a uvnitr vypada pekne a to vcetne uceben, ktere jsou oborove specializovany a k tomu prizpusobeny (Chemicka laborator, biologicka prednaskova mistnost, svetly atelier na vytvarku, atd.). Zajimava je uspesnost studentu na VS, ktera je od roku 2012 80% a zvysuje se kazdym rokem az na 96% a u statnich maturit 100%. Skoda jen, ze studenti nemaji prilezitosti se zahranicim, tj. nejezdi na zahranicni staze a nejsou v prubehu vyuky v mezinarodnich projektech.
I visited the Gymnasium on the day of open doors 2.12.2017. And my wife and her sister studied at high school. Very nice environment, the building is historic, but renovated and looks nice inside, including classrooms, which are specialized in the field and adapted to it (Chemical laboratory, biological pre-glazing room, lights at the studio, etc.). Interesting is the success rate of students at VS, which has been 80% since 2012 and increases every year up to 96% and 100% for state graduates. It is a pity that students do not have foreign opportunities, ie do not go abroad and are not taught in international projects.

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