Gymnázium Žamberk

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About Gymnázium Žamberk

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Contact Gymnázium Žamberk

Address :

Nádražní 48, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia

Website :
Categories :
City : Žamberk

Nádražní 48, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia
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Nejstarší zmínka o vzdělávání v Žamberku pochází už z roku 1568. Poté se místa, kde probíhala tehdejší výuka mnohokrát stěhovala, nejednalo se ovšem přímo o budovy určené pro školství. První stavbou, která byla zřízena výhradně jako školní, byla právě budova dnešního gymnázia z roku 1879. Sídlila zde škola obecná a měšťanská, která byla od roku 1898 rozdělena na chlapeckou a dívčí. The oldest mention of education in Žamberk dates back to 1568. After that, the place where the teaching took place many times, but it was not directly intended for education. The first building, which was established exclusively as a school, was just the building of today's grammar school from 1879. It was the seat of the elementary and middle school, which was from 1898 divided into boy´s and girl´s ones.
The oldest mention of education in Žamberk dates back to 1568. After that, the places where the teaching took place at that time moved many times, but it was not directly buildings intended for education. The first building, which was established exclusively as a school building, was the building of today's grammar school from 1879. The primary and middle school was located here, which was divided into a boys 'and girls' school from 1898. The oldest mention of education in Žamberk dates back to 1568. After that, the place where the teaching took place many times, but it was not directly intended for education. The first building, which was established exclusively as a school, was just the building of today's grammar school from 1879. It was the seat of the elementary and middle school, which was from 1898 divided into boy´s and girl´s ones.

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