Gymnázium Kolín - Kolín III

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gymnázium Kolín

Address :

Žižkova 162, Kolín III, 280 31 Kolín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 280
Website :
Categories :
City : Kolín

Žižkova 162, Kolín III, 280 31 Kolín, Czechia
Martin29 Ortel on Google

Bydlím přímo naproti,a vše mám poblíž
I live directly opposite, and I have everything nearby
Jan Hřídel on Google

Kvalita výúky má stoupající tendenci... Výborné zázemí pro studenty
The quality of teaching has an increasing tendency ... Excellent facilities for students
Soňka 23 on Google

Nějak jsem to prolezla z donucení.
Somehow I crawled it out of coercion.
Jiří Villner on Google

Dle mého názoru, nejlepší škola v Kolíně.
In my opinion, the best school in Cologne.
Pavel K. on Google

Hezky upravený parčík,pěkná stavba..prostě stojí za pohled,třebas i víc než jeden :) .
Nicely landscaped park, nice building ... just worth a look, maybe even more than one :).
Martin Špaček on Google

škola ok
school ok
Tomáš Čábela on Google

Gymnázium sídlí v architektonicky cenné budově, která prošla vnější rekonstrukcí. Aktuálně se revitalizuje okolí. Cílem je navrácení podoby z doby vzniku. Bohužel vnitřní prostory na rekonstrukci stále čekají. Gymnázium patří k těm lepším v republice.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Gymnázium bylo založeno v roce 1872. Sídlí v bývalé budově Obchodní akademie z roku 1924. Krásnou a působivou budovu v klasicizujícím stylu postavili na základě soutěže Kotěrovi žáci, architekti Jan Mayer a Vilém Kvasnička. Gymnázium v této budově sídlí od roku 1953, kdy došlo k výměně budov mezi oběma školami. The grammar school was founded in 1872. It is housed in a former building of the Business Academy from 1924. An interesting and impressive building in the classical style was built by students of famous master Jan Kotěra, architects Jan Mayer and Vilém Kvasnička. The gymnasium has been located in this building since 1953, when the buildings were exchanged between the two schools.
The grammar school was founded in 1872. It is housed in a former building of the Business Academy from 1924. The beautiful and impressive building in the classical style was built by students of Kotěra, architects Jan Mayer and Vilém Kvasnička. The gymnasium has been located in this building since 1953, when the buildings were exchanged between the two schools. The grammar school was founded in 1872. It is housed in a former building of the Business Academy from 1924. An interesting and impressive building in the classical style was built by students of the famous master Jan Kotěra, architects Jan Mayer and Vilém Kvasnička. The gymnasium was located in this building since 1953, when the buildings were exchanged between the two schools.

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