Gymnázium Roudnice nad Labem

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Contact Gymnázium Roudnice nad Labem

Address :

Havlíčkova 175, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
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City : Roudnice nad Labem

Havlíčkova 175, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem, Czechia
PeePee PooPoo on Google

Tomáš Zbořil on Google

Natálie Obleserova on Google

Šimon Hlaváček on Google

Daniel Pick on Google

Petr Markvart on Google

Zatím samá pozitiva...
So far all the positives ...
Vladimir Pecha on Google

V letech 1867-1868 byla před proboštským kostelem na místě zvaném Na rumpále postavena nová jednopatrová školní budova za 62 000 zlatých. V jejím přízemí byly tehdy zřízeny byty pro učitele a v patře existovaly učebny. Nynější vzhled tato účelová budova, sloužící nyní roudnickému gymnáziu, získala po pozdějším přistavění druhého patra a po dalších novodobých stavebních rekonstrukcích. Trojúhelníkovitý štít nad středním rizalitem je vyzdoben velkým reliéfem s námětem "Rozsévače" v Podřipském kraji. Podle návrhu ing. arch. Jiřího Brodského jej provedl roudnický sochařský mistr Jan Brabec. In the years 1867-1868, a new one-storey school object was built in front of the Probošt church at 62,000 guldens. In the ground floor there were flats for teachers, and there were classrooms on the floor. The present appearance of this purpose-built building, which now serves the grammar school in Roudnice, was acquired after later reconstruction of the second floor and other modern reconstructions. The triangular shield above the middle riser is decorated with a large relief with the theme of the "Sieves" in Podřipský region. According to the proposal of the architect Jiri Brodský, it was made by the master sculptor of Roudnice Jan Brabec.
In the years 1867-1868, a new one-storey school building was built in front of the provost's church on a site called Na rumpále for 62,000 gold coins. At that time, apartments for teachers were set up on its ground floor and classrooms existed on the first floor. The current appearance of this purpose-built building, which now serves the Roudnice grammar school, was acquired after the later addition of the second floor and after other modern building reconstructions. The triangular gable above the middle risalit is decorated with a large relief with the theme "Sower" in the Podřip region. It was designed by Jan Brabec, a sculptor from Roudnice, according to the design of ing. Arch. Jiří Brodský. In the years 1867-1868, a new one-storey school building was built in front of the Probošt church at 62,000 guldens. In the ground floor there were flats for teachers, and there were classrooms on the floor. The present appearance of this purpose-built building, which now serves the grammar school in Roudnice, was acquired after later reconstruction of the second floor and other modern reconstructions. The triangular shield above the middle riser is decorated with a large relief with the theme of the "Sieves" in Podřipský region. According to the proposal of the architect Jiri Brodský, it was made by the master sculptor of Roudnice Jan Brabec.
Kristina Salivon on Google

Історія становлення цього навчального закладу бере свій початок у 1863 р.
The history of the formation of this educational institution dates back to 1863.

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