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Contact Zvonice

Address :

413 01 Roudnice nad Labem, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +87
Website : http://www.vyletnarip.cz/cile/detail-cile/zvonice
Categories :
City : Roudnice nad Labem

413 01 Roudnice nad Labem, Czechia
Karel Fröhlich on Google

Petr Mahdal on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nová zvonice, vybudovaná v roce 1715 ze společných prostředků rodu Lobkowiczů a města Roudnice byla postavena způsobem zajišťujícím značnou stabilitu celého objektu. Zvony jsou zavěšeny na trámové konstrukci, stojící samostatně na zděných pilířích uvnitř pláště věže. Údery zvonů se tak nepřenášejí na zdi stavby a nenarušují ji otřesy. Zvony z let 1541, 1586 a 1619 z dílny roudnických zvonařů rodu Fričů pochází z původní zvonice, která shořela roku 1676. The new bell tower, built in 1715 from the common means of the Lobkowicz family and the town of Roudnice, was made in a way ensuring considerable stability of the whole building. The bells are hung on the beam structure, standing alone on the brick pillars inside the tower casing. The vibrations of bells are not transferred to the wall of the building and do not disturb it´s stability. The bells from the years 1541, 1586 and 1619 are the works of the Roudnice bellmakers of the Frič family and comes from the original belfry, which burnt in 1676.
The new bell tower, built in 1715 from the joint funds of the Lobkowicz family and the town of Roudnice, was built in a way that ensured considerable stability of the entire building. The bells are hung on a beam structure, standing alone on the masonry pillars inside the tower shell. The bells do not transmit to the walls of the building and are not disturbed by shocks. The bells from 1541, 1586 and 1619 from the workshop of the Roudnice bell ringers of the Frič family come from the original bell tower, which burned down in 1676. The new bell tower, built in 1715 from the common means of the Lobkowicz family and the town of Roudnice, was made in a way ensuring considerable stability of the whole building. The bells are hung on the beam structure, standing alone on the brick pillars inside the tower casing. The vibrations of bells are not transferred to the wall of the building and do not disturb it´s stability. The bells from the years 1541, 1586 and 1619 are the works of the Roudnice bellmakers of the Frič family and comes from the original belfry, which burnt in 1676.

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