Gymuno spol. s.r.o.

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gymuno spol. s.r.o.

Address :

Kischova 1732/5, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
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Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Praha 4 Nusle

Kischova 1732/5, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czechia
Markéta Pešková on Google

Doktor příjemný, sympatický, dotazuje se, příjemné prostředí ordinace, přístup, rychlost, vezmou vás kdykoliv když máte potíže a recepce taky ok. Dávám 4*, protože vždycky to může být lepší a s panem doktorem jsme spolu neřešili žádné závažné problémy a komplikace, na kterých by se možná ukázalo více. Ale nejlepší gynekologie,m jakou jsem navštívila, hned na metru.
Doctor pleasant, sympathetic, inquiries, pleasant ambience surgery, access, speed, take you anytime when you have trouble and reception too ok. I give 4 *, because it can always be better and we did not deal with any serious problems and complications with which we might have more. But the best gynecology I've ever seen on the subway.
Ája Ávokáčipš on Google

Super přístup. Od recepce po lékaře a sestry. Díky
Great approach. From reception to doctors and nurses. Thanks
Veronika on Google

Pan doktor Chlebeček vede svůj tým dobře. Bohužel služby lékařské již tak dobré nebyly. Chodila jsem k panu doktorovi 3 roky. Jednou za rok na prevenci a platbu 1000,-Kč/ročně (nyní se platí víc). Na kvasinkovou infekci mi řekl, že můžu jíst kolik cukru chci, že cukr s tímto onemocněním nesouvisí(přečetla jsem o této nemoci dost, abych věděla, že když omezím cukry, rázem je po problému a moje zkušenost s kvasinkovou infekcí cca 15 let jakbysmet). Tento fakt (ber prášky a zavadej globule a stravu neměn) mě uzemnil. Uvědomila jsem si, že nechodím k lékaři, ale k někomu, kdo na své praxi profituje především. Štvalo mě, že si musím jim předepsané léky vyzvednout v jeho lékárně, kam odesílá recept elektronicky a ja jsem nucena léky vyzvednout tam. Cca rok po odchodu od pana doktora jsem ho shodou okolností měla jako druhého doktora u porodu císařským řezem a ten dopadl na výbornou až na jeden steh, který nešel vyndat.
Dr. Chlebeček is leading his team well. Unfortunately, medical services were no longer so good. I went to see the doctor for 3 years. Once a year for prevention and payment of 1000 CZK / year (now more is paid). He told me about a yeast infection that I can eat as much sugar as I want, that the sugar is not related to the disease (I read enough about this disease to know that if I reduce the sugars, I suddenly have a problem and my experience with yeast infection is about 15 years) . This fact (take pills and introduce globules and do not change the diet) grounded me. I realized that I was not going to the doctor, but to someone who benefited from his practice in the first place. It bothered me that I had to pick up the prescribed medication for them at his pharmacy, where he sent the prescription electronically, and I was forced to pick up the medication there. About a year after leaving the doctor, I coincidentally had him as the second doctor at the cesarean delivery, and he turned out to be excellent except for one stitch, which could not be removed.
Romana Boumová on Google

Paní doktorka Hořejší je zlatá, mohu doporučit. Dojem však velmi kazí komunikace se společností. Netuším, jestli si slečny na recepci lakují nehty nebo k čemu tam vlastně jsou, ale na uvedeném telefonním čísle můžete marně čekat třeba půl hodiny, aniž by to někdo zvedl nebo zavolal zpátky. Perfektní, pokud si v práci nemáte čas ani odskočit na záchod, natož si volat na výsledky. Připravte si hoooooodně trpělivosti a uklidňujícího čaje. Když už se telefon spojí, přepojí vás i když není doktorka.. Nikde žádné info, takže se stresujete úplně zbytečně. ;) WELL done!
Mrs. Dr. Hořejší is golden, I can recommend. However, the impression is very spoiled by the communication with the company. I have no idea if the girls at the reception are painting their nails or what they are actually there for, but you can wait in vain for half an hour on the phone number without anyone picking it up or calling you back. Perfect if you don't even have time to go to the toilet at work, let alone call for results. Make soothing patience and soothing tea. Once the phone connects, it will transfer you even if it's not a doctor. No info anywhere, so you're stressing completely unnecessarily. ;) WELL done!
Matias Burgueño on Google

The day before my appointment with Dr Juzek Robert they called me to re-schedule in 15 more days, ( I'ts been a month already) , the lady offered a few options, sighing the whole call and not willing to cooperate, at the end we cancelled the meeting and I wasted a month of my time.
Jan Matthew Pochop on Google

Great doctor but absolutely unacceptable service and scheduling. Twice they canceled my appointments last minute (once without any notice so I showed up to a closed clinic). In addition they promised to offer babysitting and then canceled in with 2 days notice, no apologies, no alternatives. Stay away if you want a place you can rely on.
Lenka Novakova on Google

Dr. Chlebeček is the worst doctor I ever had in my life! He is not a doctor at all, but a businessman. He cares only about his income, not about your health. He tries to be nice with you only when you have to pay annual charge of 1500 Kc. After you pay, he becomes absolutely negligent, all check ups are very fast, he doesn't even give you time to ask a question about your health. He force you to buy at his clinic unnecessary suppositories, supplements, that are much more expensive than in the farmacy and that you don't need at all! He makes you unnecessary blood tests and afterwards he tells you need to pay for them, even if your insurance should cover it. Completely disappointed, I just changed a doctor. Do not recommend anyone to deal with him! CZ: Chlebeček je nejhorší lékař, jaký jsem kdy zažila. Není vůbec doktor, ale obchodník. Záleží mu jen na jeho příjmu, ne na vašem zdraví. Pokouší se být s tebou milý, až když musíš zaplatit roční poplatek 1500 Kč. Poté, co zaplatíte, stane se naprosto nedbalým, všechny kontroly jsou velmi rychlé, ani vám nedá čas položit otázku o vašem zdraví. Nutí vás nakupovat na své klinice zbytečné čípky, doplňky, které jsou mnohem dražší než na lekarne a které vůbec nepotřebujete! Dělá vám zbytečné krevní testy a poté vám řekne, že za ně musíte zaplatit, i když by to mělo pokrýt vaše pojištění. Zcela zklamana, právě jsem změnila lékaře. Nedoporučujeme nikomu, aby s ním jednali!
Tekla Kálmán on Google

I finally decided to share my experience with Dr. Chlebecek, who was such a dissappointment during my pregnancy care. At the beginning all went went, he was kind, caring and always at my disposal through SMS/phone or email. Until I decided not to choose his pregnancy packages, as they just didn’t make any sense (he didn’t offer much besides the examinations that are anyway covered by VZP) and they were all overpriced, and on the top of the annual fee that he was anyway asking for (which was ok to pay, as the clinic is clean and nice, and the service was acceptable on a certain level, and which I’m giving the 1 star for). So I decided to pay for every examination separately (for ultrasound on every pregnancy visit), but apparently he did not like my decision, he not only became rude and he was doing the check ups in a hurry, but he started to YELL at me, when I contacted him with a problem. I was feeling pain for more than 3 days, so it was normal to reach out to the doctor, he was not answering on email or phone anymore, so I just went to the clinic whithout an appointment, but he became very angry, asking what I’m doing there again, that being in pain during pregnancy is so normal and what do I expect from him to do now? He said that I was ‘abusing’ him with emails and he doesn’t understand anything (?!) And he also said that now he’s obliged to do an examination because I showed up there… So he gave me a referral to the hospital for further check up because he didn’t know what was the problem. I was crying when I left the clinic and I immediately changed doctor… To behave like this with a pregnant woman is unacceptable. I can only recomment to anyone who expects a decent care, just to choose someone else.

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