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Contact Hájek

Address :

0066, 273 51 Červený Újezd, Czechia

Categories :
City : Červený Újezd

0066, 273 51 Červený Újezd, Czechia
Lucka P. on Google

Mates Kout on Google

Tom Hroch on Google

Тарас Джуглей on Google

Dalibor Vaněk on Google

Poutní místo, dříve kasárna ruského vojska.
A place of pilgrimage, formerly a barracks of the Russian army.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zvláštní osamocené místo mezi poli a loukami, ve východní části katastru obce Červený Újezd. Název místa pochází od dodnes existujícího lesíka, který zajímavě kontrastuje s okolní rovinatou zemědělskou krajinou. Byl zde údajně vysázen roku 1589 na rozkaz rytíře Gottharda Floriána Žďárského ze Žďáru, majitele nedalekého statku a zámku v Červeném Újezdě. Ohrazený lesík sloužil po několik desetiletí rodině Žďárských a jejím hostům jako obora. Dnes je ve východní části hájku skupina obytných a zemědělských budov. A special secluded place between fields and meadows, in the eastern part of the cadastral area of Červený Újezd. The name of the place comes from the existing grove, which contrasts interestingly with the surrounding (mostly) flat agricultural landscape. It was allegedly planted here in 1589 at the order of the knight Gotthard Florián Žďárský of Žďár, the owner of a nearby farm and chateau in Červený Újezd. The fenced grove has served the Žďár family and its guests as a game park for several decades. Today there is a group of residential and agricultural buildings in the eastern part of the grove.
A special secluded place between fields and meadows, in the eastern part of the cadastral area of ​​Červený Újezd. The name of the place comes from the existing forest, which contrasts interestingly with the surrounding flat agricultural landscape. It was allegedly planted here in 1589 at the order of the knight Gotthard Florián Žďárský of Žďár, the owner of a nearby farm and chateau in Červený Újezd. The fenced grove has served the Žďár family and its guests as a game park for several decades. Today there is a group of residential and agricultural buildings in the eastern grove. A special secluded place between fields and meadows, in the eastern part of the cadastral area of ​​Cerveny Ujezd. The name of the place comes from the existing grove, which contrasts interestingly with the surrounding (mostly) flat agricultural landscape. Gotthard Florián Žďárský of Žďár, the owner of a nearby farm and chateau in Červený Újezd. Žďár family and its guests as a game park for several decades. Today there is a group of residential and agricultural buildings in the eastern part of the grove.

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