Hasiči Kadaň - Sokolovská 448

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Contact Hasiči Kadaň

Address :

Sokolovská 448, 432 01 Kadaň, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 432
Categories :
City : Kadaň

Sokolovská 448, 432 01 Kadaň, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Vůbec netuším, proč budovy hasičských zbrojnic, vystavěných v blízkosti center starobylých měst, vypadají jak pohádkové stavby z dětských stavebnic, ale pokaždé se mi moc líbí a zastavím se u nich na chvíli v němém obdivu. Že by to souviselo s těžkou a neveselou prací ochránců před nejdivočejším živlem? Fakt nevím, ale opravdu se mi to líbí. I ta kadaňská hasičská fasáda nezklamala. Zvláštní kombinace vzpomínek z dětství. :) I have no idea why fire department buildings built near ancient city centers look like fairytale buildings from children's kits, but I always like them a lot and stop by them for a moment in silent admiration. Could it be related to the hard and unhappy work of the protectors from the wildest element? I don't really know, but DO I like it. Even the fire facade of Kadaň fire house did not disappoint me. A strange combination of memories of bedtime story heros of my childhood. :)
I have no idea why fire department buildings built near the ancient city centers look like fabulous buildings from children's kits, but I always like it a lot and stop by for a moment in silent admiration. That it was related to the hard and unhappy work of the protectors from the wildest element? I don't really know, but I really like it. Even the fire facade of Kadaň did not disappoint. A special combination of childhood memories. :) I have no idea why fire department buildings built near ancient city centers look like fairytale buildings from children's kits, but I always like them a lot and stop them for a moment in silent admiration. Could it be related to the hard and unhappy work of the protectors from the wildest element? I don't really know, but DO I like it. Evening fire facade of Kadaň fire house did not disappoint me. A Strange Combination of Memories of Bedtime Story Heros of My Childhood. :)

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