Hasičská zbrojnice

5/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact Hasičská zbrojnice

Address :

592 31 Vlachovice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Vlachovice

592 31 Vlachovice, Czechia
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Jeli sme kolem této staré Hasičské zbrojnice kolmo a hned jak sem ji spatřil tak sem to musel otočit a jít si ji vyfotit. Je to sice malá ale jistě stará stavba a dokonce má svoji zvonici. V případě požáru se tak hned mohlo dát zvonit na poplach aby se lidé seběhli k hašení. Podle velikosti to odhaduji na jednu stříkačku ve vozíku a nějaké ty savice a hadice. Nebyl čas zjišťovat jestli je zde funkční a jak velké SDH
We drove around this old Fire Department vertically and as soon as I saw it, I had to turn it around and go take a picture of it. It is a small but certainly old building and even has its own bell tower. In the event of a fire, it was immediately possible to sound the alarm so that people could run for the fire. According to the size, I estimate it for one syringe in the cart and some suckers and hoses. There was no time to find out if SDH worked and how big it was

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