Hotel CHAM Praha

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hotel CHAM Praha

Address :

Libušská 37/181, 140 00 Praha-Libuš, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha Libuš
Description : Simply furnished rooms in a modest hotel offering a restaurant/bar & complimentary parking.

Libušská 37/181, 140 00 Praha-Libuš, Czechia
Tereza Hlavová on Google

Velmi příjemná majitelka pensionu. Vždy čistý a voňavý pokoj za dobrou cenu. Jen mi vadila hospoda, kterou vlastní její manžel, do které nesmí jiní lidé. Mají ji jako soukromý klub a proto tam mohou kouřit.
Very nice owner of the pension. Always clean and fragrant room at a good price. I just bothered by a pub owned by her husband, to which no other people can. They have it as a private club, so they can smoke there.
Tereza Haiderová on Google

Jedním slovem mazec, za ty prachy..velkej mazec..smrad z cigaret, pokoj jak za totáče, na recepci jsem při ubytování platila o kilo navíc, ale zase bod nahoru za ubytování v noci i se psem
One word mazec, for the money..big mazec..smrad of cigarettes, room for totals, at the reception I paid for the extra pounds, but again point up for accommodation at night and with a dog
Petr Kratochvil on Google

Pružné vedení,výborný personál,zvlášť co se týče,úklidu a připravenosti uvolněných pokojů. Vedení vstřícné,spolehlivé. Doporučuji!!!
Flexible management, excellent staff, especially in terms of cleaning and readiness of relaxed rooms. Helpful, reliable management. I recommend!!!
Tomáš Otáhal on Google

Jedná se o ubytovnu. Pokoj byl hrozný, smrděl po moči. Hrozný rámus a žádná čistota. Za 500 se dá vyspat jinde a lépe.
It is a hostel. The room was awful, it smelled of urine. Terrible noise and no purity. For 500 you can sleep elsewhere and better.
Bedřich Homolka on Google

Super hospůdka a hotel příjemná obsluha živá hudba
Super pub and hotel friendly service live music
Petr Urban on Google

V pokoji zima jak v Rusku, nesvítí lampička, táhne pod vchodovými dveřmi.
The room is cold as in Russia, the lamp is off, it pulls under the front door.
Manos Sfakakis on Google

Budget choice, with many drawbacks.
Jimmy Evelyn on Google

Pleasant people and understating. They try to provide a reasonable service for the cost. Need to fumigated for bugs to improve the room conditions.

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