Hotel U Kociána - Trojanovice 183

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hotel U Kociána

Address :

Trojanovice 183, 744 01 Nový Jičín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 744
Website :
Categories :
City : Nový Jičín
Description : Colorful, airy rooms in a low-key hotel with complimentary breakfast & a restaurant/bar.

Trojanovice 183, 744 01 Nový Jičín, Czechia
Miloslav Sobek on Google

Pokoj č.2 na jednu noc, přespání v čistotě, teple, pohodlné dvojposteli, s TV a spoustou programů. Spokojenost. Doporučuji.
Room No.2 for one night, sleeping in clean, warm, comfortable double bed, with TV and lots of programs. Satisfaction. I recommend.
Adam Plšek on Google

Zaplatil jsem ne malé peníze za týdení snídaně, obědy, večeře, a to co jsem dostal byla opravdu katastrofa. Nedalo se na to koukat natoztak jíst. Nedoporučuji
I paid no small money for a week's breakfast, lunch, dinner, and what I got was really a disaster. It was impossible to watch it so much to eat. I do not recommend
Pavel Jakůbek on Google

Byl jsem naprosto spokojený. Pokoje čisté, restaurace v přízemí dobře vaří, obsluha vzorná. Mohu jen doporučit. Sám se sem rád vrátím.
I was completely satisfied. Rooms clean, restaurant on the ground floor cooks well, staff exemplary. I can only recommend. I'll be happy to come back here myself.
David Honzak on Google

Vypadá to jako pohodová hospůdka ale opak je pravdou na čepu prej Radegast 10 a 12 ale nepříjemná servírka mi řekla že bych si prý už neměl dát nic přitom zahrádka prázdná a na 10 jsem čekal leda 10 minut tak 3/10 podporumer Kociáni
David Vašek on Google

Martin Lorenc on Google

Tereza Skulinová on Google

Super ??
Denis Szabó on Google

We had a nice, clean room and the price was surprisingly cheap. The downside was that there was no staff to be found at the hotel, the owner of the nearby restaurant told us that we need to pick up keys in a cafe 1km down the road. The staff at the cafe was nice, but they were not able to answer most of our questions - such as when or where to get breakfast, which we paid for. The next day, we were not able to find any staff again in order to eat. We saw a lady park her car and enter through the back door of the restaurant. We knocked on the back door and it turned out she was one of the staff members. She was very nice and prepared breakfast for us. Breakfast consisted of a simple selection, but we did not miss anything and we were satisfied with it. We went back to the cafe to return the room key (as per the instruction), but it was closed, even though it was supposed to be open according to opening hours. So we needed to head back to the hotel and leave the key in the room. Overall, not the worst experience, but the lack of any instructions - from staff, website, in the room - made our stay more inconvenient than needed.

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