Hřbitov Krásná Lípa - Dittrichova 11/16

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Contact Hřbitov Krásná Lípa

Address :

Dittrichova 11/16, 407 46 Krásná Lípa, Czechia

Postal code : 407
Website : https://www.krasnalipa.cz/hrbitov.php
Categories :
City : Krásná Lípa

Dittrichova 11/16, 407 46 Krásná Lípa, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Hřbitov je dnes začleněn do městského parku, který byl založen v letech 1888-1889 jako soukromý park, obklopující hrobku rodiny průmyslníka a mecenáše města Carla Ditricha. Původní areál byl v rámci celkové rekonstrukce v letech 2004-2006 rozdělen na vlastní park a lesopark. Na hřbitově narazíte na mnoho zajímavých a umělecky hodnotných klasicistních náhrobků. Za zmínku stojí právě ono Mausoleum rodiny Dittrichovy - novorenesanční hrobka z let 1888-1889 o rozměrech 10 x 10 x 10 m s unikátním systémem vytápění. V současné době ve špatném stavu, probíhají jednání o její záchraně. The cemetery is now incorporated into the city park, which was founded in 1888-1889 as a private park, surrounding the tomb of the industrialist and patron of the city of Carl Ditrich. The original complex was divided into its own park and forest park within the overall reconstruction in 2004-2006. In the cemetery you will find many interesting and artistically valuable Classicist tombstones. And it is the Mausoleum of the Dittrich family, that is worth mentioning - a neo-renaissance tomb from 1888-1889 measuring 10 x 10 x 10 m with a unique heating system. Currently in poor condition, negotiations are underway to save it.
Today, the cemetery is integrated into the city park, which was founded in 1888-1889 as a private park, surrounding the tomb of the family of the industrialist and patron of the city, Carl Ditrich. The original area was divided into its own park and forest park as part of a complete reconstruction in 2004-2006. In the cemetery you will find many interesting and artistically valuable classicist tombstones. It is worth mentioning the Mausoleum of the Dittrich family - a Neo-Renaissance tomb from 1888-1889 with dimensions of 10 x 10 x 10 m with a unique heating system. Currently in poor condition, negotiations are underway to rescue her. The cemetery is now incorporated into the city park, which was founded in 1888-1889 as a private park, surrounding the tomb of the industrialist and patron of the city of Carl Ditrich. The original complex was divided into its own park and forest park within the overall reconstruction in 2004-2006. In the cemetery you will find many interesting and artistically valuable Classicist tombstones. And it is the Mausoleum of the Dittrich family, that is worth mentioning - a neo-renaissance tomb from 1888-1889 measuring 10 x 10 x 10 m with a unique heating system. Currently in poor condition, negotiations are underway to save it.

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