Hřbitov - nám. T. G. Masaryka 1

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hřbitov

Address :

nám. T. G. Masaryka 1, 470 01 Česká Lípa, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 470
Website : http://www.mucl.cz/
Categories :
City : Česká Lípa

nám. T. G. Masaryka 1, 470 01 Česká Lípa, Czechia
Michaela Hájková on Google

Richard Kasprak on Google

Vysoká úroveň péče
High level of care
Petr Bergmann on Google

Pěkné upravovany a opraveny hřbitov
Nice renovated and repaired cemetery
Petr Přibyl on Google

Hřbitov je moc pěkný. Uklizený, je vidět že je o něj postaráno.
The cemetery is very nice. Tidy, you can see he's taken care of.
Radka Kočí on Google

Nevím přesně jak hodnotit hřbitov a říkat ,že tam je krásně je podivné.Ale ano je hezký a je zde i mižete si prohlédnout zajímavé stavby,které ke hřbitovu patří.Sednout si také ve stínu stromů a rozjímat .Je zde i možnost parkovat a bezbariérový vstup.Nedaleko je gotický kostel a také 2 dětské koutky....
I do not know exactly how to evaluate the cemetery and say that there is beautiful is strange.But yes it is nice and there is also you can see the interesting buildings that belong to the cemetery.Sit also in the shade of trees and meditate. There is also the possibility of parking and barrier-free entrance. Nearby is a Gothic church and also 2 children's corners ....
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Ve městě bylo do 19. století několik hřbitovů, zakládaných dle zvyku na pozemku u jednotlivých kostelů. V polovině 19. století takto ještě byly funkční hřbitovy u kostela Sv. Kříže a na Mariánské ulici. Ty však již kapacitně přestávaly rozrůstajícímu se městu postačovat a tak bylo rozhodnuto o zřízení nového městského hřbitova. Byl vybrán prostor bezprostředně sousedící se hřbitovem ve stráni u kostela Sv. Kříže, táhnoucí se dále svahem k severu. Na tento hřbitov byly po jeho zprovoznění přesunuty všechny nové pohřby ve městě. První pohřeb se zde konal 4. července 1885. Na severním okraji hřbitova najdete i zajímavé mauzoleum JUDr. Franze Schmeykala. Hrobku (stavebně novogotickou kapli) nechalo zbudovat město k důstojnému uložení ostatků významného českolipského rodáka. Stavbu navrhl Ferdinand von Feldegg, architekt a psycholog působící ve Vídni. Kaple byla dostavěna v roce 1898 a o rok později vysvěcena. V roce 1945 sloužilo místo jako pohřebiště vojáků Rudé armády a po roce 1990 se z něj stal památník padlým válek 20. století. Vedle městského křesťanského hřbitova najdete ještě Nový židovský hřbitov, který byl založen v roce 1905. V 80. letech 20. století byl hřbitov zcela zničen včetně velké obřadní síně. There were several cemeteries in the city until the 19th century, based on the churche´s estates. In the middle of the 19th century, there were still functional cemeteries at St. Crosses and Mariánská Street. However they started to suffer from a capacity of a growing city, so it was decided to establish a new city cemetery. A space adjacent to a graveyard in the hillside near the Church of St. The Cross was chosen, stretching further down the slope to the north. All new funerals in the city were moved to this cemetery after its launch. The first funeral took place here on July 4, 1885. On the northern edge of the cemetery there is an interesting mausoleum of JUDr. Franz Schmeykal. The tomb (the neo-Gothic chapel) allowed the town to build the remains of a significant native of Česká Lípa. The building was designed by Ferdinand von Feldegg, an architect and psychologist working in Vienna. The chapel was completed in 1898 and consecrated a year later. In 1945 the site served as a burial ground for the Red Army soldiers, and after 1990 it became a monument to the fallen wars of the 20th century. In addition to the city's Christian Cemetery you can also find the New Jewish Cemetery at bthe close neighborhood which was founded in 1905. In the 80's of the 20th century, the cemetery was completely destroyed, including a large ceremonial hall.
Until the 19th century, there were several cemeteries in the town, established according to custom on the land next to the individual churches. In the middle of the 19th century, the cemeteries at the church of St. Crosses and on Mariánská Street. However, these capacities were no longer sufficient for a growing city, so it was decided to establish a new city cemetery. The area immediately adjacent to the cemetery in the hillside near the church of St. Crosses, stretching further down the slope to the north. After its commissioning, all new funerals in the city were moved to this cemetery. The first burial took place here on July 4, 1885. On the northern edge of the cemetery you will also find an interesting mausoleum of JUDr. Franz Schmeykal. The tomb (a neo-Gothic chapel) was built by the city for the dignified storage of the remains of an important Českolipský native. The building was designed by Ferdinand von Feldegg, an architect and psychologist based in Vienna. The chapel was completed in 1898 and consecrated a year later. In 1945, the place served as a burial ground for Red Army soldiers, and after 1990 it became a memorial to the victims of the wars of the 20th century. In addition to the city's Christian cemetery, you will also find the New Jewish Cemetery, which was founded in 1905. In the 1980s, the cemetery was completely destroyed, including a large ceremonial hall. There were several cemeteries in the city until the 19th century, based on the churche´s estates. In the middle of the 19th century, there were still functional cemeteries at St. Crosses and Mariánská Street. However they started to suffer from a capacity of a growing city, so it was decided to establish a new city cemetery. A space adjacent to a graveyard in the hillside near the Church of St. The Cross was chosen, stretching further down the slope to the north. All new funerals in the city were moved to this cemetery after its launch. The first funeral took place here on July 4, 1885. On the northern edge of the cemetery there is an interesting mausoleum of JUDr. Franz Schmeykal. The tomb (the neo-Gothic chapel) allowed the town to build the remains of a significant native of Česká Lípa. The building was designed by Ferdinand von Feldegg, an architect and psychologist working in Vienna. The chapel was completed in 1898 and consecrated a year later. In 1945 the site served as a burial ground for the Red Army soldiers, and after 1990 it became a monument to the fallen wars of the 20th century. In addition to the city's Christian Cemetery you can also find the New Jewish Cemetery at bthe close neighborhood which was founded in 1905. In the 80's of the 20th century, the cemetery was completely destroyed, including a large ceremonial hall.
Petr Honsnejman on Google

Větší hřbitov jehož některé části prošly v minulých letech menší přestavbou. Klidné rozjímání kazí trochu fakt, že hroby jsou vedle sebe jeden vedle druhého. Pokud se vás na místě sejde více, můžete mít trochu problém s pohybem, protože zde není mnoho místa.
A larger cemetery, some parts of which have undergone minor reconstruction in recent years. Calm contemplation is marred by the fact that the graves are side by side. If you meet more on the spot, you may have a little trouble moving because there is not much space.
Naďa on Google

Jak se může člověku líbit na hřbitově? Ale jinak je to místo dobře udržované. Co mi vadilo bylo to, že se nešlo dostat na WC....rozbité,,zařízení,, na mince.

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