Hřbitov Tursko

3.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Hřbitov Tursko

Address :

Křížovnická 55, 252 65 Tursko, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8887
Opening hours :
Sunday 8AM–5PM
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Categories :
City : Tursko

Křížovnická 55, 252 65 Tursko, Czechia
Josef Kuchař (Jožka) on Google

Příjemný malý hřbitov, ale v posledni době dost vázne údržba ploch i cestiček obcí které patří.
A pleasant little cemetery, but lately the maintenance of areas and paths of the villages they belong to is quite serious.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Je těžké zjistit podrobnější informace o nevelkém pohřebišti kolem kostela svatého Martina. Jeho počátky snad můžeme datovat do poloviny 13. století, kdy byl vystavěn původní gotický farní kostel. Hřbitov je obehnaný ohradní zdí, v jejíž nice je umístěna barokní socha Ecce homo, pocházející z období okolo roku 1700. Součástí hřbitova je i barokní hřbitovní kaple, která je zřejmě stejného data založení, jako přestavba poničeného kostela do současné podoby, která probíhala mezi lety 1700 – 1706. Najdete tu i hrob dvou ruských zajatců, zabitých 13. června 1917 úderem blesku a dalšího zesnulého v roce 1945. Severně od ohrazeného areálu hřbitova stojí památkově hodnotná farní budova čp. 1. Celý hřbitovní areál - kostel, márnice, ohradní zeď s brankami a socha Ecce homo v nice ohradní zdi hřbitova - je památkově chráněn. It is difficult to find out more detailed information about the small burial ground around St. Martin's Church. Its origins can perhaps be dated to the middle of the 13th century, when the original Gothic parish church was built. The cemetery is surrounded by a fence wall, in the nice of which is a baroque statue of Ecce Homo, dating from around 1700. The cemetery also includes a baroque cemetery chapel, which is probably the same date of foundation as the reconstruction of the ruined church to its current form, which took place between 1700 - 1706. You will also find the grave of two Russian prisoners, killed by a lightning strike on 13 June 1917 and another deceased in 1945. North of the fenced area of the cemetery stands the monumental parish building No. 1. The entire cemetery area - church, morgue, fence wall with gates and the statue of Ecce Homo in the nice enclosure wall of the cemetery - is a protected monument.
It is difficult to find out more detailed information about the small burial ground around St. Martin's Church. Its origins can perhaps be dated to the middle of the 13th century, when the original Gothic parish church was built. The cemetery is surrounded by a fence wall, in the nice of which is a baroque statue of Ecce homo, dating from around 1700. The cemetery also includes a baroque cemetery chapel, which is probably the same date of foundation as the reconstruction of the ruined church 1700 - 1706. You will also find the grave of two Russian prisoners, killed by a lightning strike on 13 June 1917 and another deceased in 1945. North of the fenced area of ​​the cemetery stands the monumental parish building No. 1. The entire cemetery area - church, morgue, fence wall with gates and the statue of Ecce Homo in the nice enclosure wall of the cemetery - is a protected monument. It is difficult to find out more detailed information about the small burial ground around St. Martin's Church. Its origins can perhaps be dated to the middle of the 13th century, when the original Gothic parish church was built. The cemetery is surrounded by a fence wall, in the nice of which is a baroque statue of Ecce Homo, dating from around 1700. The cemetery also includes a baroque cemetery chapel, which is probably the same date of foundation as the reconstruction of the ruined church to its current form, which took place between 1700 - 1706. You will also find the grave of two Russian prisoners, killed by a lightning strike on 13 June 1917 and another deceased in 1945. North of the fenced area of ​​the cemetery stands the monumental parish building No. 1. The entire cemetery area - church, morgue, fence wall with gates and the statue of Ecce Homo in the nice enclosure wall of the cemetery - is a protected monument.

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