Hromoelektro s.r.o - U Statku 92/1

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hromoelektro s.r.o

Address :

U Statku 92/1, 747 14 Ludgeřovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7779
Postal code : 747
Website :
Categories :
City : Ludgeřovice

U Statku 92/1, 747 14 Ludgeřovice, Czechia
Dalibor Krzywda on Google

Naprostá spokojenost. Okamžitá reakce na jakýkoliv dotaz. Žádné vymlouvání, žádné věčné slibování bez výsledku, žádný nepořádek po odvedené práci...jeden den vyhotoveno, druhý den dodána revizní zpráva. Naprosto perfektní spolupráce. Více takových firem!
Absolute satisfaction. Immediate response to any question. No excuses, no eternal promise without result, no mess after the work done ... one day prepared, the next day delivered an audit report. Absolutely perfect cooperation. More such companies!
Jaroslav Vitoul on Google

Naprosto super odvedena prace, po zadosti o naceneni vecer, hned rano byla odpoved v emailu s zadosti o doplnujici informace a behem druheho dne nabidka s cenou, ktera je naprosto skvela. Domluva terminu behem chvilky a navic po uvolneni jine zakazky realizace probehla jeste o 2 dny drive, za 3h hotova veskera prace, premereni pro revizi,uklid samozrejmosti. Jedna praskla taska na strese, ale hned byla vymenena.. Muzu jen doporucit!
Absolutely great job, after the request for the price of the evening, in the morning there was an answer in the email with a request for additional information and during the second day an offer with a price that is absolutely great. The appointment will be agreed within a moment and in addition, after the release of another order, the implementation took place in another 2 days, all work was completed in 3 hours, measured for revision, and of course. One burst stress bag, but it was replaced immediately. I can only recommend it!
Petr Cizek on Google

Cenová nabídka zhotovena do druhého dne, realizace v brzkém termínu, po dokončení vypracování a zaslání revizní zprávy. Ocenili jsme i velmi dobrou komunikaci a vzorné zaházení výkopu. Během naší rekonstrukce RD jedna z mála položek, u které byla cena provedení nižší než námi předpokládaná. Doporučuji!
Price offer made by the second day, implementation in the near future, after completion of elaboration and sending of the revision report. We also appreciated the very good communication and exemplary excavation. During our reconstruction of the family house, one of the few items for which the price was lower than we expected. I recommend!
Martina Baseggio on Google

Firma Hromoelektro provedla instalaci hromosvodu na rodinném domku. Velmi oceňuji rychlé a profesionální jednání. Cenová nabídka byla vyhotovena do 24 hodin od první domluvy, práce provedeny dle domluvy a dodržena stanovená cena. Bez čekání a bez komplikací. To dnes není úplně běžná praxe ve stavebnictví.
The company Hromoelektro installed a lightning conductor on a family house. I really appreciate fast and professional negotiations. The price offer was prepared within 24 hours from the first agreement, the work was performed according to the agreement and the set price was observed. No waiting and no complications. This is not a completely common practice in construction today.
Rostislav Stasek on Google

Firmu Hromoelektro mohu doporučit. Rychlé a profesionální jednání, kvalitní práce a dobrá cena.
I can recommend Hromoelektro. Fast and professional negotiations, quality work and good price.
Ondřej Ždych on Google

S realizaci jsem byl velmi spokojen. Kvuli probihajicim terenim pracim okolo naseho domu bylo potreba zemneni zrealizovat co nejdrive. Pan jednatel vse bleskove zaridil. Doporucuji.
I was very satisfied with the implementation. Due to the ongoing work around our house, it was necessary to carry out the grounding as soon as possible. The managing director arranged everything in a flash. I recommend.
Vladan Hýl on Google

Spolupráce naprosto bezproblémová, pánové dopředu oznámili termín, přijeli načas, práce proběhly v pohodě a rychle. Objednání instalace hromosvodu i poté komunikace ohledně fakturace všechno v pohodě, vstřícně a jasně. Doporučuji
The cooperation was completely smooth, the gentlemen announced the date in advance, they arrived on time, the work went smoothly and quickly. Ordering a lightning conductor installation and then communication regarding invoicing, everything is fine, helpful and clear. I recommend
Petr Sramek on Google

S pracemi jsme byli velmi spokojeni. Firma komunikovala rychle a pružně. Byli jsme nuceni skloubit termíny, kvůli účasti dvou firem a musíme říct, že se vše povedlo na jedničku. Domluva byla pohodová a nic nebyl problém. Doporučujeme...
We were very satisfied with the work. The company communicated quickly and flexibly. We were forced to put the deadlines together, due to the participation of two companies, and we must say that everything went well. The agreement was comfortable and nothing was a problem. We recommend ...

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