Husův dům, bývalá Nová synagoga

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Contact Husův dům, bývalá Nová synagoga

Address :

Smíškova 619, Vnitřní Město, 284 01 Kutná Hora, Czechia

Categories :
City : Kutná Hora

Smíškova 619, Vnitřní Město, 284 01 Kutná Hora, Czechia
Fadi Nouh on Google

Marie C on Google

kakoste on Google

Ciekawa budowla.
Interesting building.
Pavel Doležal on Google

Tomáš Jirásek on Google

Philippe Garnot on Google

Мгер Симонян on Google

Бывшее здание синагоги в Кутна-Горе подстать городу миниатюрно. Синагога в Кутной Горе была построена в 1902 г. Архитектор Богуслав Моравец. В 1939 г., после нацистской оккупации синагога была закрыта, а в 1949 г. - передана гуситской чехославакской церкви. Символично, но во внешнем и внутреннем интерьере здания иудейская символика была сохранена, несмотря на то, что храм ныне выполняет религиозный функционал для другой конфессии.
The former synagogue building in Kutná Hora is a miniature match for the city. The synagogue in Kutná Hora was built in 1902 by the architect Boguslav Moravec. In 1939, after the Nazi occupation, the synagogue was closed, and in 1949 it was transferred to the Hussite Czechoslovak Church. It is symbolic, but in the external and internal interior of the building, Jewish symbolism was preserved, despite the fact that the temple now performs a religious function for another denomination.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kutnohorská nová synagoga byla postavena v secesním slohu v roce 1902 přímo naproti Jezuitské koleji, podél dnešní Smíškově ulici podle projektu Bohuslava Moravce. Nahradila tak starší modlitebnu v Radnické ulici z roku 1881. K bohoslužbám sloužila do druhé světové války, poté ji nějakou dobu využívala místní varhanická firma. Dva roky po skončení války si budovu pronajala a v roce 1949 ji zakoupila Církev československá husitská, která po přestavbě a opravách objekt užívá dodnes. The new synagogue in Kutná Hora was built in the Art Nouveau style in 1902 directly opposite the Jesuit College, along today's Smíškova Street according to a project by Bohuslav Moravec. It thus replaced the older prayer house in Radnická Street from 1881. It was used for services until the Second World War, after which it was used for some time by a local organ company. Two years after the end of the war, the building was rented and in 1949 finally bought by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, which still uses the object after reconstruction and repairs.
The new synagogue in Kutná Hora was built in the Art Nouveau style in 1902 directly opposite the Jesuit College, along today's Smíšková Street according to a project by Bohuslav Moravec. It thus replaced the older prayer house in Radnická Street from 1881. It was used for services until the Second World War, after which it was used for some time by a local organ company. Two years after the end of the war, she rented the building and in 1949 it was bought by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, which still uses the building after reconstruction and repairs. The new synagogue in Kutná Hora was built in the Art Nouveau style in 1902 directly opposite the Jesuit College, along today's Smíškova Street according to a project by Bohuslav Moravec. It thus replaced the older prayer house in Radnická Street from 1881. It was used for services until the Second World War, after which it was used for some time by a local organ company. Two years after the end of the war, the building was rented and in 1949 finally bought by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, which still uses the object after reconstruction and repairs.

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