Imperial Sushi Stodůlky

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Imperial Sushi Stodůlky

Address :

Hábova 2345/7, 155 00 Praha 13, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7777
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Hábova 2345/7, 155 00 Praha 13, Czechia
Terezka Fejtkova on Google

Objednávka přes Dáme jídlo me zamrzela, Poké bowl nejsou levné a za tu cenu tam nic nebylo. Ani omáčky či majonéza. Možná je to způsob této restaurace ale nepřijde mi kvalitní.
The order through Let's Give Food froze me, the Poké bowls are not cheap and there was nothing there for that price. Not sauces or mayonnaise. Maybe it's the way this restaurant is, but I don't like it.
Skylerry on Google

Naprostá spokojenost, možnost objednat si domů. Doprava rychlá, ceny odpovídající a zároveň na Prahu rozumné. Taktéž možnost si sednout do jejich malé ale útulné restaurace, kde se na vás usmívá ochotná a vstřícná obsluha ❤️ Můžu jen doporučit!
Absolute satisfaction, the opportunity to order a home. Fast transport, reasonable prices and at the same time reasonable to Prague. Also the opportunity to sit in their small but cozy restaurant, where the helpful and helpful staff smiles at you ❤️ I can only recommend!
Carl X on Google

Opět skvělé, naprostá spokojenost. ??Večeře nám udělala radost a jako bonus k setu, láhev prosecca je určitě dobrá volba.
Again great, complete satisfaction. ??Dinner made us happy and as a bonus to the set, a bottle of prosecco is definitely a good choice.
Eugene Klevtsov on Google

Objednal jsme si sushi set cca za 900 Kč. Objednávka byla bohužel doručena bez hůlek , sójové omáčky a ubrousků. A proto musel jsem běžet do Žabky. Myslím si, že když prodáváte sushi, takový věci musí být součástí setu jako samozřejmost. Kvalita sushi je úplně stejná jako ve většině míst v Praze. Ošklivé okraje otočené dovnitř aby nebyly vidět, každý roll má svůj unikátní rozměr a vzhled.
We ordered a sushi set for about 900 CZK. Unfortunately, the order was delivered without chopsticks, soy sauce and napkins. And that's why I had to run to Žabka. I think that when you sell sushi, such things must be part of the set as a matter of course. The quality of sushi is exactly the same as in most places in Prague. Ugly edges turned inwards so that they are not visible, each roll has its own unique size and appearance.
Matej Blažek on Google

Small salad
shah vraj on Google

Really amazing taste. Worth every single penny. You should have to try this. Perfect taste and quality. Really happy to order from imperial sushi ?:)
Stanislav Roedl on Google

Super sushi i poke ??
Anastasiya K on Google

Sushi are great, but Tom yum soup is terrible ? I hope they will change the recipe ?

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