Ingetour - rental canoe, raft - raft

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ingetour - rental canoe, raft

Address :

382 02 Zlatá Koruna, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77989
Postal code : 382
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 8AM–7PM
Monday 8AM–7PM
Tuesday 8AM–7PM
Wednesday 8AM–7PM
Thursday 8AM–7PM
Friday 8AM–7PM
Saturday 8AM–7PM
Categories :
City : Zlatá Koruna

382 02 Zlatá Koruna, Czechia
Stanislav Hejhal on Google

Se službami a zázemím od Ingetour mám jen nejlepší zkušenosti. Rozhodně doporučuji.
I have only the best experience with services and facilities from Ingetour. I definitely recommend.
Juraj Sido on Google

Nedostali sme zachranne vesty; nebolo nam vysvetlene ako zjizdet jezy; bolo zle pocasie a nikto nas neupozornil, ze nami vybrana trasa je nevhodna pre zaciatocnikov na to pocasie;
Najvacsi otras boli zamestnanci v Rozmberku, kde ked sme mali premocene vsetky veci a boli sme premrznuti, boli absolutne neochotni nam pomoct najst spoje do krumlova do ktoreho sme sa museli dostat. Nedostali sme pomoci ani ked sme o nu ziadali!!! (neziadali sme nic zadarmo, iba najst spoje, busy naspat). Este nas do tvare vysmiali, ze preco sme v takom pocasi isli na vodu, ze oni by nesli, a ze ti co nam dali lode urcite nikdy na vode neboli. To je len zlomok z toho co sa udialo. Zaplatili sme za dvoch 1180CZK + 700CZK taxik naspat do krumlova.
Po podani oficialnej staznosti s jasne popisanymi udalostami este v ten den, trvalo majitelovi 30 DNI kym sa ozval a v telefonate sa zastal svojich zamestnancov a nas oznacil za klamarov, co je absolutne nechutne a hovori to za celu situaciu a sluzby ktore ponuka tato firma.
We didn't get life jackets; it was not explained to us how to descend the weir; the weather was bad and no one warned us that the route we chose was unsuitable for beginners to the weather; The biggest shock was the employees in Rozmberk, where when we had all things overwhelmed and we were frozen, they were absolutely reluctant to help us find the connections to Krumlov that we had to get to. We didn't get help even when we asked for it !!! (we didn't ask for anything for free, just find connections, sleep buses). They made fun of us in the form that why we went to the water in such weather, that they would carry it, and that those who gave us boats were certainly never on the water. That's just a fraction of what happened. We paid for two 1180CZK + 700CZK taxis to get back to Krumlov. After filing an official complaint with clearly described events on that day, it took the owner 30 DAYS until he called and stood up for his employees and called us liars, which is absolutely disgusting and speaks for the whole situation and the services offered by this company.
sn0rk1s on Google

Obsluha na této pobočce (zlatá koruna) absolutně neochotná. Přišli sme o 900 za dvě pádla, které jsme nakonec našli. Problémy s vrácením jedné lodě o den dříve, i když bylo vše dohodnuto mailem předem, tak se s námi odmítali bavit. Příště radši na voru z klacků než s inge...
The staff at this branch (golden crown) is absolutely reluctant. We lost 900 for two paddles that we eventually found. Problems with returning one ship the day before, even though everything was agreed by e-mail in advance, they refused to talk to us. Next time I'd rather be on a raft from sticks than with an inge ...
Lukáš Kačerovský on Google

Půjčovna skvělá. Bez problémů nám vyměnily raft za větší, akorát by mohly do výbavy dát i pumpičkou.
Rental great. They easily exchanged our raft for a bigger one, they could just put a pump into the equipment.
Radim Zíka on Google

Naprosto skvěle místo. Příjemná atmosféra s velmi příjemnými brigádníky a ještě příjemnější pan vedoucí, který nezkazí žádnou srandu a hlavně vyniká lidským přístupem.
Absolutely great place. A pleasant atmosphere with very pleasant part-time workers and an even more pleasant Mr. Manager, who does not spoil any fun and mainly excels in his human approach.
Matthew Remington on Google

Fajn kemp ? až na velmi “příjemného” pána z ingetour který mě bohužel večer v 7 podusil když jsme byli v tísni s klíčky od auta, nadával chtěl po mě peníze za to že mi dojel dát klíčky které zamkl na recepci a zapoměl na ně :))) parkovací poplatek a cca. 250 mu bylo od chudého studenta málo asi čekal litra… Levněji by vyšlo to auto nechat mezi jinými auty v kempu a ještě bychom si ušetřily agresivitu a nadávky Jen díky tomuto pánovi co se mi ani nepředstavil bych pro příště s ingetour NEJEL Proto jedna ⭐️
Nice camp ? except for a very "nice" gentleman from ingetour who unfortunately suffocated me at 7 in the evening when we were in need with car keys, he cursed for me for giving me the keys he locked at the reception and forgot about them: ))) parking fee and approx. 250 he was not enough from a poor student about a liter… It would be cheaper to leave the car among other cars in the camp and we would still save aggression and swearing Only thanks to this gentleman, who did not even introduce himself to me, I would NOT go next time with ingetour Therefore one ⭐️
Martin Fryščok on Google

Ingetour nabízí skvělý servis vodákům. Hustá síť loděnic kolem Vltavy zbavuje složitého vymýšlení, kde a kdy vyzvědnout a vrátit lodě s vybavením. Pro plný počet hvězdiček by však bylo potřeba, aby loděnice ve Zlaté Koruně byla lépe označena - nejlépe hned u řeky, aby připlouvající vodáci, kteří jedou třeba poprvé, věděli, kde mají přirazit ku břehu a vytahnout lodě. Ten, kdo netuší, že k loděnici Ingetour je potřeba přistát hned na začátku kempu těsně za mostem, je odměněn nepříjemným taháním lodí - a zcela zbytečně, jako by nestačilo, že sama loděnice není zrovna na břehu řeky. Cedule u břehu nebo baner na mostě by byly velkým vylepšením. Alespoň by nebylo nutno odpovídat personálu na otázku: „Vy jste to přejeli?“ slovy: „Nepřejeli. Nemáte tam označení.“
Ingetour offers a great service for paddlers. The dense network of shipyards around the Vltava eliminates the complicated idea of ​​where and when to pick up and return ships with equipment. For the full number of stars, however, the shipyard in Zlatá Koruna would need to be better marked - preferably right by the river, so that incoming boaters, who are going for the first time, for example, know where to approach the shore and tow the boats. Anyone who has no idea that the Ingetour shipyard needs to be landed right at the beginning of the camp just behind the bridge is rewarded with an unpleasant tow - and unnecessarily, as if it wasn't enough that the shipyard itself is not exactly on the river bank. A sign by the shore or a banner on the bridge would be a big improvement. At least it would not be necessary to answer the question to the staff: "Did you pass it?" With the words: "They did not pass. You don't have a sign there. "
Jan Sztanko on Google


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