3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact iSTYLE

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Arkády Pankrác, Na Pankráci 1727/86, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
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City : Praha

Arkády Pankrác, Na Pankráci 1727/86, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia
Tom V on Google

Nechápu proč servis je tak špatný, mám MacBook Pro 13, před tím něž jsem šel do Istyle stat ve fronte 40 minut, kontaktoval jsem apple ohledně programu výměny klávesnice, a reklamaci uznali přímo v Apple s tím že mám jít k off. reselleru v Praze, samozřejmě na Pankráci mě to zamítli. Důvod že počítač má vic než 4 roky, ale kontaktoval jsem znovu apple a prý že nechápou v čem je Problem , a že mam jít k jinému reselleru. No tak si asi i další nové apple produkty koupím radši jinde, škoda že se tady neváží stale zákazníky. Co mam říct o reklamaci iPhone 12 Pro po 3 měsících používaní ,ta neochota tady pořad je, dost nebaví mě to, iPhone 13 Pro nejspíš je moje poslední koupě tady No napsal jsem vám , ale žádná odpověď , nechápu je to takový problém aspoň odepsat ?
I don't understand why the service is so bad, I have a MacBook Pro 13, before I went to Istyle stat in a 40 minute queue, I contacted Apple about the keyboard replacement program, and the complaint was acknowledged directly by Apple stating that I should go off. reseller in Prague, of course in Pankrác I was rejected. The reason that the computer is more than 4 years old, but I contacted Apple again and they say they don't understand what the Problem is and that I should go to another reseller. Well, I'd rather buy other new apple products elsewhere, it's a pity that there aren't many customers here. What should I say about the complaint iPhone 12 Pro after 3 months of use, the reluctance here is the show, I don't like it enough, iPhone 13 Pro is probably my last purchase here Well I wrote you, but no answer, I do not understand is it such a problem to at least write off?
Miroslav Lalinský on Google

Uf jak to říct? Tady dělaj prostě profíci. Oba borci s kterýma jsem jednal byli v režimu pojďme si o tom promluvit. Přiznávám měl jsem trabl s telefonem ale co je to jen věc. Každopádně obsluha (nemám rád slovo obsluha - sám jednám s lidmi každý den) byla fakt dokonalá. Další zařízení apple kupuji už jen a jen výhradně tady. Kdybych na něj měl stát frontu. DOPORUČUJI A VELMI!
Uf how to say it? The pros just do it here. Both fighters I dealt with were in let's talk about it. I admit I had a problem with the phone but what's the point. Anyway, the service (I don't like the word service - I deal with people every day) was really perfect. I buy other apple devices only here and only here. If I had to line up for him. I RECOMMEND AND VERY MUCH!
Natalia Danilovich on Google

Usual average-size store with Apple products, all main items are usually available.
Vitaly Babets on Google

Nice and organised store, professional staff! The best place to buy Apple Products. Simply love it!
Samuel Carmo on Google

If you have a client looking for a product, you need to support him and not just say you don’t have and turn away. Clients pay your salaries. Most incompetent staff I have ever seen.
dana kucerova on Google

Came to the shop with two requests - buy new iPhone and Service repairs - none of them was realized due to the arrogance of the staff. Not surprised that shop was empty - if the shop staff have that kind of attitude to their customers
Miloslav Zientek on Google

After buying iphone for 30k they mislead me with 24 month guarantee even when I am buying for a company. After year and something they refused to accept my claim. Be really careful buying anything from them!!!!
Jiri Rybar on Google

One guy for the whole store so people queue up and the wait times get long

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