Jan Hus memorial

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Contact Jan Hus memorial

Address :

Husovo nám., 390 02 Tábor, Czechia

Website : https://www.drobnepamatky.cz/node/7263
Categories :
City : Tábor

Husovo nám., 390 02 Tábor, Czechia
Kamila Drahotova on Google

Pomník je moc pěkný, jen je v parku vedoucím k autobusovému a vlakovému nádraží, tak je občas kolem nějaká hlučnější skupinka individuí popíjející víno apod....
The monument is very nice, just in the park leading to the bus and train station, so there is sometimes a noisy group of individuals drinking wine, etc ....
Greg Greg on Google

Může být
May be
Klára Jabůrková on Google

Krásný parčík, spoustu laviček k sezení a uprostřed pomník mistra Jana Husa.
A beautiful park, lots of benches to sit and in the middle a monument to Master Jan Hus.
Petr Březina on Google

Jsou tu bezdomovci, feťáci, nepřízpůsobivý lidé a nevychovaná omladina.
There are homeless people, junkies, maladapted people and rude youth.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Cenná stavba památníku od akademického sochaře a chýnovského rodáka Františka Bílka z roku 1927 připomíná významné události českých dějin. Husův pomník je umístěn v jihozápadní části Husova parku na Husově náměstí. Pomník byl postaven z iniciativy Spolku pro postavení Husova pomníku. Základní kámen byl položen dne 6.7.1927 a veřejnosti byl předán 6. 7. 1928. Bílek pojal Husův pomník jako chrám - obětiště, jako otevřenou knihu dějin husitství. Na rozměrném kruhovém betonovém soklu stojí v popředí bronzová plastika Jana Husa v nadživotní velikosti postavená na žulovém podstavci, s vytesaným textem („plameny ubírati se ku pravdě“). U základny postavy jsou znázorněny plameny. The valuable memorial from the academic sculptor and Chýnov native František Bílek from 1927 reminds of significant events of Czech history. Hus' Monument is located in the southwestern part of Hus Park on Hus Square. The monument was built on the initiative of the Society for the Status of Hus Monument. The foundation stone was laid on July 6, 1927, and given to the public on July 6, 1928. Bílek took Hus's monument as a temple - the sacrifice - as an open book of the history of Hussitism. Jan Hus' bronze sculpture stands on a large circular concrete pedestal with carved text ("through the flames nearing to the truth") Flames are also shown at the character base.
The valuable building of the memorial by the academic sculptor and native of Chýnov František Bílek from 1927 recalls important events in Czech history. Hus's monument is located in the southwestern part of Hus's park on Hus's square. The monument was built on the initiative of the Association for the Construction of Hus's Monument. The foundation stone was laid on July 6, 1927 and handed over to the public on July 6, 1928. Bílek conceived Hus's monument as a temple - a sacrificial site, as an open book of the history of the Hussites. In the foreground, a life-size bronze sculpture of Jan Hus, built on a granite pedestal, with a carved text ("flames moving towards the truth") stands on a large circular concrete plinth. Flames are shown at the base of the figure. The valuable memorial from the academic sculptor and Chýnov native František Bílek from 1927 reminds of significant events of Czech history. Hus' Monument is located in the southwestern part of Hus Park on Hus Square. The monument was built on the initiative of the Society for the Status of Hus Monument. The foundation stone was laid on July 6, 1927, and given to the public on July 6, 1928. Bílek took Hus's monument as a temple - the sacrifice - as an open book of the history of Hussitism. Jan Hus' bronze sculpture stands on a large circular concrete pedestal with carved text ("through the flames nearing to the truth") Flames are also shown at the character base.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Памятник Яну Гусу, одному из наиболее значимых реформаторов в истории католической церкви, расположен в одноименном городском парке Табора. Идея о создании этого мемориала принадлежит Франтишеку Билеку, одному из наиболее выдающихся скульпторов Чехии начала 20 столетия. Выдающийся чешский мыслитель, идеолог и проповедник Ян Гус родился в небольшом городке Гусинец в 1369 году. Окончив Пражский университет в 1396 году, он получил степень магистра искусств и начал проводить собственные лекции. Начиная с 1401 года, Ян Гус стал проповедовать в церкви святого Михаила, а год спустя получает должность настоятеля частной Вифлеемской часовни. В своих проповедях он открыто бичевал пороки католической церкви: продажу индульгенций и стремление воспитать у прихожан слепое повиновение. За это он и был обвинен в ереси, а затем казнен 6 июля 1415 года. Смерть Яна Гуса повлекла за собой продолжительные гуситские войны между его последователями и католиками. Открытие памятника состоялось 6 июля 1928 года в парке Яна Гуса, и было приурочено к 513 годовщине его смерти.
The monument to Jan Hus, one of the most significant reformers in the history of the Catholic Church, is located in the city park of the same name in Tabor. The idea to create this memorial belongs to Frantisek Bilek, one of the most prominent Czech sculptors of the early 20th century. Outstanding Czech thinker, ideologist and preacher Jan Hus was born in the small town of Husinets in 1369. After graduating from the University of Prague in 1396, he received a Master of Arts degree and began giving lectures of his own. Beginning in 1401, Jan Hus began to preach in the Church of St. Michael, and a year later he was appointed rector of the private Bethlehem chapel. In his sermons, he openly castigated the vices of the Catholic Church: the sale of indulgences and the desire to instill blind obedience among parishioners. For this he was accused of heresy, and then executed on July 6, 1415. The death of Jan Hus led to prolonged Hussite wars between his followers and Catholics. The opening of the monument took place on July 6, 1928 in Jan Hus Park, and was timed to coincide with the 513th anniversary of his death.
Gabi Ion on Google

Mariana Apshai on Google

Super ???

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