Kadaň-Prunéřov - Kadaň-Prunéřov

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Contact Kadaň-Prunéřov

Address :

432 01 Kadaň, Czechia

Postal code : 432
Categories :
City : Kadaň

432 01 Kadaň, Czechia
Dana Otřísalová on Google

Jenom projíždíme
We're just passing through
Zdeněk Beseda on Google

Nádraží, které má svoji slávu již za sebou.
The station, which has its glory behind it.
Tomáš Kašoun on Google

Přestup na směr Kadaň-město a dál.
Transfer to Kadaň-město and further.
Danny Macho on Google

Středně velké nádraží o dvou nástupištích. Případní turisté se mohou pokochat krásným panoramatem Prunéřovských elektráren a nadýchat se lehce sirnatého, ale údajně neškodného vzduchu, který vychází z jejich komínů. Na nákup lístků zapomeňte, stejně tu budete jen přestupovat :-)
Medium-sized railway station with two platforms. Eventual tourists can enjoy the beautiful panorama of the Prunéřov power plants and breathe in the slightly sulphurous but supposedly harmless air coming from their chimneys. Forget about buying tickets, you will just change here :-)
Jan Šťastný on Google

Pouze přestupní zastávka. Kromě elektrárny zde nic není.
Only a transfer stop. There is nothing but a power plant.
Jan Novák on Google

Ďura světa v každém směru. Přestup mezi ďurou a vnějším světem, který je asi z bezpečnostních důvodů...5km od obce. Jedná se o jinak slepou trať a fajn kšeft pro místné taxikáře.
The dura of the world in every direction. The transition between the dura and the outside world, which is probably for safety reasons ... 5km from the village. This is an otherwise blind track and a nice deal for local taxi drivers.
Iv Borovcová-Krausová on Google

Foceno z vlaku.Projíždím Krušnohorem.
Taken from the train. I drive through the Ore Mountains.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Ve stanici Kadaň–Prunéřov byly koncem října 2019 opraveny podchody a na prvním a druhém nástupišti jsou nové přístřešky pro cestující. Pětikilometrový úsek jednokolejné trati projde do roku 2021 zásadní proměnou — celá trať bude elektrifikována a napojena na hlavní dopravní tah ve směru na Chomutov a Ústí nad Labem. Prunéřov je místní částí města Kadaně. Větší část obce musela ustoupit těžbě hnědého uhlí po druhé světové válce. Původní vesnice byla skoro 3 kilometry dlouhá a rozkládala se po obou stranách Prunéřovského potoka od severního okraje Kadaně až k podhůří Krušných hor. O vzniku Prunéřova se nedochovaly písemné doklady, první zmínka o vsi je datována k roku 1261, kdy osadu zřejmě založil měšťan Arvín z Kadaně na popud krále Přemysla Otakara I. v rámci osidlování českého území. Underpasses were repaired at the Kadaň – Prunéřov station at the end of October 2019 and new shelters for passengers were installed on the first and second platforms. The five-kilometer section of the single-track line will undergo a major transformation by 2021 - the whole line will be electrified and connected to the main transport paths in the direction of Chomutov and Ústí nad Labem. Prunéřov is a local part of Kadaň. Most of the village had to give way to brown coal mining after World War II. The original village was almost 3 kilometers long and stretched on both sides of the Prunéřovský brook from the northern edge of Kadaň town to the foothills of the Ore Mountains. The first mention of the village dates back to 1261, when the settlement was probably founded by the burgher Arvin of Kadaň at the instigation of King Přemysl Otakar I. as part of the settlement of the Czech territory.
Underpasses were repaired in the Kadaň – Prunéřov station at the end of October 2019 and new shelters for passengers are on the first and second platforms. The five-kilometer section of the single-track line will undergo a major transformation by 2021 - the entire line will be electrified and connected to the main traffic route in the direction of Chomutov and Ústí nad Labem. Prunéřov is a local part of Kadan. Most of the village had to give way to brown coal mining after World War II. The original village was almost 3 kilometers long and stretched on both sides of the Prunéřovský brook from the northern edge of Kadan to the foothills of the Ore Mountains. The first mention of the village dates back to 1261, when the settlement was probably founded by the burgher Arvin of Kadaň at the instigation of King Přemysl Otakar I as part of the settlement of the Czech territory. Underpasses were repaired at the Kadaň - Prunéřov station at the end of October 2019 and new shelters for passengers were installed on the first and second platforms. The five-kilometer section of the single-track line will undergo major transformation by 2021 - the whole line will be electrified and connected to the main transport routes in the direction of Chomutov and Ústí nad Labem. Prunéřov is a local part of Kadaň. Most of the village had to give way to brown coal mining after World War II. The original village was almost 3 kilometers long and stretched on both sides of the Prunéřovský brook from the northern edge of Kadaň town to the foothills of the Ore Mountains. The first mention of the village dates back to 1261, when the settlement was probably founded by burgher Arvin of Kadaň at the instigation of King Přemysl Otakar I. as part of the settlement of the Czech territory.

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