Kaple svaté Kláry - Pod Havránkou 7

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kaple svaté Kláry

Address :

Pod Havránkou 7, 171 00 Praha-Troja, Czechia

Postal code : 171
Website : http://terezicka.cz/bohosluzby/
Categories :
City : Praha Troja

Pod Havránkou 7, 171 00 Praha-Troja, Czechia
Mgr. Marie Luňáková on Google

Kaple sv. Kláry Menší sakrální památka, barokní kaple sv. Kláry je nad zámečkem, místo zámečku by se mělo toto místo spíše označovat jako vila, a je v Troji. Na vrcholu kopce stojí kaple, pod ní ve svahu jsou vinice a ty se pak dolu táhnou v souřadnicovém uspořádání podél celého jižního svahu. Je to klidné a nádherné místo. Především je to také zdaleka viditelná stavba. Od kaple sv. Kláry je nádherný a krásný výhled na velikou část Prahy. Je odtud obrovský rozhled po celém panoramatickém horizontu, který se rozkládá před vámi. Klidné a tiché místo pro rozjímání, odpočinek a vzpomínání. Konají se zde také svatby. Opravdu nezapomenutelné a kouzelné místo. Dále pak pokračuje areál Botanické zahrady Praha - Troja.
Chapel of St. Klára A smaller sacral monument, the baroque chapel of St. Kláry is above the chateau, the place of the chateau should rather be called a villa, and it is in Troja. There is a chapel at the top of the hill, below it there are vineyards on the slope and they then stretch down in a coordinate arrangement along the entire southern slope. It is a quiet and beautiful place. Above all, it is also a building visible from afar. From the chapel of St. Klára is a beautiful and beautiful view of a large part of Prague. From here there is a huge view over the entire panoramic horizon, which lies in front of you. Quiet and peaceful place for contemplation, rest and remembrance. Weddings are also held here. A truly unforgettable and magical place. Then the area of ​​the Botanical Garden Prague - Troja continues.
Jiri Kazda on Google

Nádherné vinobraní v Botanické zahradě má osobitou atmosféru. Skvělé přírodní prostředí dokáže zabavit celou rodinu. Doprovodný hudební program výborně ladil s programem.
The magnificent vintage in the Botanical Garden has a distinctive atmosphere. Great natural environment can entertain the whole family. The accompanying music program perfectly matched the program.
Dan K on Google

Krasné místo. Měli jsme zde svatbu a pokud si nevyberete dobu kdy se pohybuji teploty přes třicet stupňů tak na svatbu ideální. V opačném případě to je peklo protože se nedá nikam schovat.
Beautiful place. We had a wedding here and if you do not choose a time when the temperature is over thirty degrees, then ideal for a wedding. Otherwise, it's hell because you can't hide anywhere.
Milan Bláha on Google

kaplička s krásným výhledem...
chapel with a beautiful view ...
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stejně jako Trojský zámek i barokní kapli sv. Kláry nechal v 17. století vystavět Václav Vojtěch hrabě ze Šternberk (architektem může snad být Jean Baptiste Mathey, který projektoval zámek). Stojí na historické a památkově chráněné vinici, a vytváří působivou pohledovou dominantu nad celou Trojou. Stejně jako vinice je zasvěcena svaté Kláře, patronce a jmenovkyni hraběnky z Maltánu, manželky hraběte ze Šternberku – Kláry Bernardiny. První žádost o povolení stavby byla podána v r. 1691 s odůvodněním, že se lidé žijící v okolí zámku kvůli častým povodním nemohou účastnit bohoslužeb. Kaple má obdélníkový půdorys, ze střechy kaple vyrůstá drobná věžička, krytá jehlancovou čtyřbokou střechou, zakončenou makovicí a křížem. Prostý interiér tvoří jediná místnost s cihlovou podlahou, plochým stropem a výrazným fabionem. Po požáru v roce 1924 dostala kaple novou střechu, poslední opravou prošla kaplička v roce 1996. Bývá otevřená každou neděli od 1. září do konce června během mše svaté od 11 do 12 h (o prázdninách se mše nekonají). Botanická zahrada umožňuje návštěvníkům vstup do kaple během některých akcí – například Adventní rozjímání v prosinci, nebo během červnových "Noci kostelů". Zajímavost: Jednu dobu se tradovalo, že v kapli v noci straší. Téměř pravidelně okolo půlnoci se rozezněl ve věžičce zvon. Až po čase se vše vysvětlilo - malá opička ze zoologické zahrady našla díru v oplocení a chodila se při svých nočních výletech houpat na provaz od zvonu. Like the Troja Chateau, the Baroque Chapel of St. Klára was built by Václav Vojtěch the Count of Šternberk in the 17th century,(the architect may be Jean Baptiste Mathey, who designed the castle). It stands on a top of historic vineyard, creating an impressive sight over the entire Troja. Like the vineyard, it is dedicated to St. Klara, the patron and the namesake of the countess of the Count of Šternberk - Klara Bernardina from Maltán, Vojtěch´s wife. The first application for building permission was filed in 1691 on the grounds that people living around the castle could not attend worship due to frequent local floodings. The chapel has a rectangular ground plan, a small turret, covered with a pyramidal quadrangular roof, ending with a poppy tree and a cross growing from the roof of the chapel. The simple interior is made up of a single room with brick floor, flat ceiling and a distinctive fabion. After the fire in 1924 it was given a new roof, the chapel was last repaired in 1996. It is open every Sunday from September 1 until the end of June during the Holy Mass from 11 am to 12 pm (closed during summer holidays). The Botanical Garden allows visitors to enter the chapel during some events - such as Advent Meditation in December, or during the June Night of Churches. Funny fact: It has been told once that ghosts are haunting in the chapel at night. A bell started to ring in the tower almost regularly around midnight. Finally people found out that the little monkey from the zoo found a hole in the fencing and she loved to swing the rope from the bell during her night walks...
Like the Troja Chateau, the Baroque Chapel of Sts. Klara was built in the 17th century by Václav Vojtěch Earl of Šternberk (perhaps the architect may be Jean Baptiste Mathey, who designed the castle). It stands on a historic and listed vineyard and creates an impressive view point over the whole Troja. Like the vineyard, it is consecrated to St. Clare, the patroness and namesake of the Countess of Malta, the wife of the Count of Sternberg - Klára Bernardina. The first application for building permission was submitted in 1691 on the grounds that people living in the vicinity of the chateau cannot attend church services due to frequent floods. The chapel has a rectangular ground plan, from the roof of the chapel grows a small turret, covered with pyramidal quadrilateral roof, topped with a finial and a cross. The simple interior is a single room with a brick floor, a flat ceiling and a distinctive green screen. After the fire in 1924, the chapel was given a new roof, the chapel underwent its last repair in 1996. It is open every Sunday from 1 September to the end of June during the Mass from 11 am to 12 pm (masses are not held during holidays). The botanical garden allows visitors to enter the chapel during some events - such as Advent Meditation in December, or during the June "Church Night". Interesting Fact: At one time it was said that the chapel haunted at night. Almost regularly around midnight a bell rang in the turret. After a while everything was explained - a small monkey from the zoo found a hole in the fencing and went on a nightclub to swing from the bell. Like the Troja Chateau Klara was built by Vaclav Vojtech the Count of Sternberk in the 17th century, (the architect may be Jean Baptiste Mathey, who designed the castle). It stands on top of a historic vineyard, creating an impressive sight over the entire Troja. Like the vineyard, it is dedicated to St. Klara, patron and namesake of the countess of the Count of Sternberk - Klara Bernardina from Maltan, Vojtech's wife. The first application for building permission was filed in 1691 on the grounds that people living around the castle could not attend the worship due to frequent local floodings. The chapel has a rectangular ground plan, a small turret, covered with a pyramidal quadrangular roof, ending with a poppy tree and a cross growing from the roof of the chapel. The simple interior is made up of a single room with a brick floor, a flat ceiling and a distinctive green screen. After the fire in 1924 it was given a new roof, the chapel was last repaired in 1996. It is open every Sunday from September 1 until the end of June during the Holy Mass from 11 am to 12 pm (closed during the summer holidays). The Botanical Garden allows visitors to enter the chapel during some events - such as Advent Meditation in December, or during the June Night of Churches. Funny fact: It was told once that ghosts are haunting in the chapel at night. A bell started to ring in the tower almost regularly around midnight. Finally, people found out that the little monkey from the zoo found a hole in the fencing and she loved to swing the rope from the bell during her night walks ...
Hana Zajickova on Google

Krasna Kaple na kopci nad trojskymi vinicemi. Dosli jsme sem pres celou Botanickou zahradu od severniho vstupu v Bohnicich. Chvili jsme posedeli na vyhlidce za kaplickou a kochali se vyhledy na mesto, jehoz slava hvezd......no vsak to znate. Dnes brzo odpoledne tu bylo malo lidi. Byli jsme nadseni.
Beautiful Chapel on a hill above the Troja vineyards. We reached here through the entire Botanical Garden from the northern entrance in Bohnice. We sat for a while on the lookout behind the chapel and enjoyed the views of the city, whose glory stars ...... but you know it. There were a few people here early this afternoon. We were excited.
Fiona Ryan on Google

Great views, friendly staff. The wine was great and tasty cheeses etc
Tom Jirinec on Google

Wow, from this abbey, you have a very nice view of Prague and the building itself is very nice. Great to go here.

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