Kaplička Děkovka

4.6/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Kaplička Děkovka

Address :

Unnamed Road, 411 15 Podsedice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Podsedice

Unnamed Road, 411 15 Podsedice, Czechia
Jana Svobodova on Google

Jan Vlach on Google

Hana Sušanská on Google

Je tam krásná krajina, zřícenina Oltářík odkud je vidět do dalekého okolí
There is a beautiful landscape, the Oltarek ruins from where you can see far away
Jaroslav Hojný on Google

Kaplička v malé vesničce pod zříceninou hradu Oltářík.
Chapel in a small village under the ruins of the castle Altarik.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Obecní kaple svatého Jana Nepomuckého v nenápadné a klidné obci Děkovka byla postavena přibližně v polovině devatenáctého století v klasicistním slohu. Jde o obdélnou stavbu s poloválcovým (apsidovým) závěrem. Boční stěny jsou se segmentově zakončenými okny. V období 1945–1989 byla kaple díky špatné údržbě devastována a její poškození pokračovalo i v dalším období, takže plech věžičky zrezavěl a chybělo její zakončení, okna byla rozbitá a interiér zpustošený. V roce 2017 byla konečně opravena a dnes se skví v plné kráse. V obci je uváděna v sedmdesátých letech dvacátého století ještě kaple z roku 1818 s reliéfem Krista v trojúhelníkovém štítě. The Municipal Chapel of St. John of Nepomuk in the inconspicuous and quiet village Děkovka was built in the middle of the nineteenth century in the Classicist style. It has a rectangular structure with a semicircular (apse) end. The side walls are equiped with segmented windows. In the period 1945-1989, the chapel was devastated due to poor maintenance, and its damage continued in the next period, leaving the roof of the tower rustling and lacking its end, the windows being broken and the interior devastated. In 2017 it was finally repaired and today it shines in full beauty. There is another chapel already mentioned in the village, dating back to 1818 of the twentieth century with a relief of Christ in a triangular shield.
The municipal chapel of St. John of Nepomuk in the inconspicuous and quiet village of Děkovka was built in the mid-nineteenth century in the Classicist style. It is a rectangular building with a semi-cylindrical (apse) end. The side walls have segmented windows. In the period 1945–1989, the chapel was devastated due to poor maintenance and its damage continued in the following period, so the tin plate rusted and its end was missing, the windows were broken and the interior was devastated. It was finally repaired in 2017 and today it shines in full beauty. In the seventies of the twentieth century, a chapel from 1818 with a relief of Christ in a triangular gable is mentioned in the village. The Municipal Chapel of St. John of Nepomuk in the inconspicuous and quiet village Děkovka was built in the middle of the nineteenth century in the Classicist style. It has a rectangular structure with a semicircular (apse) end. The side walls are equiped with segmented windows. In the period 1945-1989, the chapel was devastated due to poor maintenance, and its damage continued in the next period, leaving the roof of the tower rustic and lacking its end, the windows being broken and the interior devastated. In 2017 it was finally repaired and today it shines in full beauty. There is another chapel already mentioned in the village, dating back to 1818 of the twentieth century with a relief of Christ in a triangular shield.

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