Karlův stánek

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Contact Karlův stánek

Address :

U Karlova stánku, 156 00 Zbraslav, Czechia

Website : https://mapy.cz/s/gecosomehe
Categories :
City : Zbraslav

U Karlova stánku, 156 00 Zbraslav, Czechia
Do Miss on Google

Lepší výhled se nachází za altankem za ovocným sadem kolem hřbitova.
A better view is located behind the gazebo behind the orchard around the cemetery.
Premysl Neumanm on Google

Nad Zbraslaví se nachází osmiúhelníkový altán ze sedmdesátých let devatenáctého století který nechal postavit tehdejší majitel Zbraslavského zámku jako připomínku události která se stala podle pověsti při návratu budoucího krále Karla IV z Francie zde se zastavil a odtud poprvé měl spatřit Prahu V roce 2016 proběhla poslední rekonstrukce tohoto místa která jej vrátila do co nevěrnějšího stavu zdob vystavění
Above Zbraslav there is an octagonal gazebo from the seventies of the nineteenth century which was built by the then owner of Zbraslav Castle as a reminder of an event which, according to legend, happened when the future King Charles IV returned from France and stopped there for the first time. In 2016, the last reconstruction of this place took place, which returned it to the most faithful state of the decoration of the exhibition
Anna Nidrlova on Google

Krásná procházka zelení a nádherný výhled
Beautiful walk of greenery and wonderful views
Oldřich Kratina on Google

Místo je schováno v nepříliš udržovaném lesoparku nad Zbraslaví. Vede k němu prudká kamenitá cesta od náměstí po červené.
The place is hidden in a not very well maintained park above Zbraslav. There is a steep rocky road leading from the square to the red.
Petr Mittenhuber on Google

Příjemné málo turisty zatížené místo. I přes koruny stromů lze vidět kousek řeky Vltavy.
Pleasant little hikers busy place. Despite the treetops, you can see the Vltava River.
Gabunagabuna Jurk on Google

Nevim, co se stalo, ale ten kříž už tam není
I don't know what happened, but the cross is no longer there
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pěkný zděný vyhlídkový altán pochází z druhé poloviny 19. století. Původně tu od roku 1850 stál litinový kříž na pamět zemřelé dcery zbraslavského lékaře J. Šurovského, který se dochoval dodnes. Karlův stánek tu nechal vystavět kníže Oettingen jako památku na krále Karla IV. Ten se při návratu z Francie do Čech zastavil právě na tomto místě a odtud poprvé spatřil nejen Prahu, ale i hrob své matky Elišky Přemyslovny na Zbraslavi. Od roku 1958 je Karlův stánek zapsán do Seznamu kulturních památek, naposledy byl obnoven v roce 2006. Dnes už díky okolním stromů není výhled na Zbraslav nikterak oslnivý , místo je to ale moc pěkné a určitě stojí za návštěvu. Nice brick look-out gazebo dates from the second half of the 19th century. Originally there was a cast-iron cross standing here from 1850 in memory of the deceased daughter of the doctor J. Šurovský from Zbraslav. The cross has survived to this day. Prince Charles Oettingen had built look-out called "Charles's gazebo" here in memory of King Charles IV. When he returned from France to Bohemia, he stopped at this place and from there he first saw not only Prague, but also the grave of his mother Eliška Přemyslovna in Zbraslav. Since 1958, the Charles Stand has been entered in the List of Cultural Monuments, the last time it was restored in 2006. Today, thanks to the surrounding trees, the view of Zbraslav is no longer dazzling, but the place has got its own vibe and certainly is worth a visit.
Nice brick lookout arbor comes from the second half of the 19th century. Originally from 1850 there stood a cast-iron cross in memory of the deceased daughter of a doctor from Zbraslav J. Šurovský, who has survived to this day. Charles's stand was built by Prince Oettingen in memory of King Charles IV. When he returned from France to the Czech Republic, he stopped at this place and from there he first saw not only Prague, but also the grave of his mother Eliška Přemyslovna in Zbraslav. Since 1958, the Charles Stand has been entered in the List of Cultural Monuments, the last time it was restored in 2006. Today, thanks to the surrounding trees, the view of Zbraslav is no longer dazzling, but the place is very nice and certainly worth a visit. Nice brick look-out gazebo dates from the second half of the 19th century. Originally there was a cast-iron cross standing here from 1850 in memory of the deceased daughter of the doctor J. Šurovský from Zbraslav. The cross has survived this day. Prince Charles Oettingen had a look-out called "Charles's House" here in memory of King Charles IV. When he returned from France to Bohemia, he stopped at this place and from there he first saw not only Prague, but also the grave of his mother Eliška Přemyslovna in Zbraslav. Since 1958, Charles Stand was entered in the List of Cultural Monuments, the last time it was restored in 2006. Today, thanks to the surrounding trees, the view of Zbraslav is no longer dazzling, but the place has got its own vibe And certainly is worth a visit.
janina .cz on Google

Nice view, funny story. It's called Charles' stand because according to an old story, Charles IV went here, to this place, to check the country during one of his returns to the Czech Kingdom (this happened in 13th century). In 1850, a local doctor built the cross here to remember his late daughter. The actual stand was built by Duke Oettingen about twenty years later.

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