Ottova vila

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Contact Ottova vila

Address :

Žitavského 500, 156 00 Zbraslav, Czechia

Categories :
City : Zbraslav

Žitavského 500, 156 00 Zbraslav, Czechia
Zuzana Dušková on Google

Kousek tady geocaching
A bit here geocaching
Vera Zdrazilova on Google

Hezký, ale za mřížemi.
Nice, but behind bars.
Marie Reznickova on Google

Ottova vila byla navržena architektem Otakarem Novotným pro majitele českého nakladatelství Jana Ottu (Ottův Slovník naučný), jehož rodina jezdila na léto na Zbraslav již od roku 1873. Sám Jan Otto na Zbraslav přijížděl za rodinou denně až k večeru. V roce 1909, ve svých 68 letech, nechal Jan Otto postavit na Zbraslavi malebnou vilu obklopenou zahradou.
Otto's villa was designed by architect Otakar Novotny for the owner of the Czech publishing house Jan Otta (Otto's Dictionary of Nature), whose family traveled to Zbraslav for summer since 1873. Jan Otto himself came to Zbraslav daily to the evening. In 1909, at the age of 68, Jan Otto had a picturesque villa surrounded by a garden built in Zbraslav.
Eva Jordan on Google

Zvenku překrásná ukázka pozdní secese, to je vila postavená v roce 1912 pro významného pražského nakladatele Jana Otta. Autorem návrhu je Otakar Novotný, žák Jana Kotěry. Při projektování Ottovy vily se ještě projevil pozdně secesní styl, ale vnitřní členění a dispozice již bylo v moderním duchu, tedy centrální hala otevřená do patra, ochoz nahoře, geometrické štuky. Nábytek také v geometrické moderně, symetrická zahrada... od roku 1935 se vila dostala do majetku státu, později majetku městské části, dnes se skví novotou po rekonstrukci soukromým nájemcem .
From the outside a beautiful example of late Art Nouveau, this is a villa built in 1912 for the prominent Prague publisher Jan Otto. The author of the design is Otakar Novotný, a student of Jan Kotěra. Late Art Nouveau style was still apparent in the design of Otto's villa, but the interior layout and layout were already in a modern spirit, ie a central hall open to the first floor, a gallery above, geometric stucco. Furniture also in geometric modern, symmetrical garden ... since 1935 the villa got into the property of the state, later the property of the city district, today with a great novelty after reconstruction by a private tenant.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Velmi kvalitní stavba, památkově chráněna. Dobře udržovaná, radost pohledět. V ostatním odkazuji na recenzi pí. Jordan.
Very high quality building, listed. Well maintained, a pleasure to look at. In the others I refer to the review of pi. Jordan.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Působivá třípodlažní vila s mansardovou střechou byla postavena pro majitele slavného českého nakladatelství v letech 1909-1911 podle návrhu renomovaného architekta Otakara Novotného. Po smrti Jana Otty v roce 1916 rodina nakladatele dům dále využívala až do roku 1920, kdy jej odprodala. V roce 1935 získal vilu československý stát. Za socialismu vyhořela a zchátrala, od roku 1991 je památkově chráněna. The impressive three-storey villa with a mansard roof was built for the owners of the famous Czech publishing house in 1909-1911 according to the design by renowned architect Otakar Novotný. After Jan Otta's death in 1916, the publisher's family continued to use the house until 1920, when it was sold. In 1935 the villa was acquired by the Czechoslovak state. It burned and deteriorated during socialism era, since 1991 it has been protected.
The impressive three-storey villa with a mansard roof was built for the owners of the famous Czech publishing house in 1909-1911 according to a design by renowned architect Otakar Novotny. After Jan Otta's death in 1916, the publisher's family continued to use the house until 1920, when it was sold. In 1935 the villa was acquired by the Czechoslovak state. It burned and deteriorated under socialism, and since 1991 it has been protected. The impressive three-storey villa with a mansard roof was built for the owners of the famous Czech publishing house in 1909-1911 according to the design by renowned architect Otakar Novotný. After Jan Otta's death in 1916, the publisher's family continued to use the house until 1920, when it was sold. In 1935 the villa was acquired by the Czechoslovak state. It burned and deteriorated during socialism era, since 1991 it has been protected.
Lee Johnson on Google

perfectly restored villa

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