Kašna na Masarykově náměstí - Kašna na Masarykově náměstí

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kašna na Masarykově náměstí

Address :

405 02 Děčín, Czechia

Postal code : 405
Categories :
City : Děčín

405 02 Děčín, Czechia
Helikoptéra Bérová (Satan) on Google

Nemůžu říct, že bych to tu milovala, ale je to prostě docela v pohodě místo. Helikoptéra doporučuje.
I can't say I love it here, but it's just pretty cool instead. The helicopter recommends.
Miloš Roudnický on Google

Pěkná kasna a je zde i pár restaurací kde vaří výborné hotel koruna radnice.
Nice casinos and there are also a few restaurants where the excellent Hotel Crown Crown.
Eva Jordan on Google

Překrásná secesní kašna z roku 1907 stojí uprostřed náměstí. Zajímavé jsou rostlinné reliéfy tak typické pro secesi.
A beautiful Art Nouveau fountain from 1907 stands in the middle of the square. Interesting are the plant reliefs so typical of Art Nouveau.
Lukáš Kafka on Google

Krásné místo na procházku, nejen v dne. Noc mu propůjčuje zajímavé kouzlo. Ale na své si tu přijdou lovci dinosaurů i PGo, ale také kačeři.
Beautiful place to walk, not only during the day. The night gives him an interesting spell. But dinosaur hunters and PGo, as well as ducks, will come into their own.
Roman Kovbasjuk on Google

Фонтан гарний, площа, на якій він розташований, простора і чиста, а недільного вечора - ще й досить малолюдна. Достатньо місця для паркування і лавок, щоб посидіти. Гарних кафешок неподалік все одно немає.
The beautiful fountain, the area on which it is located, spacious and clean, and Sunday evenings - and quite a little humored. Enough parking and shops to sit. Good cafes nearby are still not there.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Secesní kašna z roku 1907 od R. Weyera je tvořena pravoúhlou nádrží se zaoblenými rohy, z níž vyrůstá skalnatý terén s pařezy a větvemi, které nesou okrouhlou mísu se čtyřmi chrliči na jejím okraji. Na kašně se kdysi ještě nacházelo 6 bronzových figurálních plastik, jež měly znázorňovat pověst o vysvobozené dívce dřevorubce z Děčína, která měla být zakleta do pramene v Loubské rokli. Na vrcholu měla být kdysi i víla Bohemie, ale ta byla rovněž odstraněna a nyní je vrchol kašny osazen květem. V roce 1940 sochařskou výzdobu zabavili Němci. Děčínsko-Podmokelská společnost chtěla památce výzdobu vrátit, proto na sochy vyhlásila výtvarnou soutěž. Bohužel se nedochovaly modely soch ani jejich návrhy - nemají ani příbuzní autora ve Vídni, a tak výzdobu není možno obnovit do původního stavu. Druhá kašna, která je vedle kostela sv.Václava a Blažeje je osmistěnná Kamenná kašna a je postavena v barokním stylu. The Art Nouveau fountain of 1907 by R. Weyer is made up of a rectangular tank with rounded corners, from which a rocky terrain with stumps and branches grows, carrying a round bowl with four gargoyles on it´s edge. There were still 6 bronze figural sculptures in the fountain to illustrate the story of a liberated girl from a Děčín woodcutter who was to be cursed in the Loubská Gorge. On the top the goddess Bohemia was also supposed to be, but it was also removed and now the top of the fountain is decorated with flowers. In 1940, the Germans seized the sculptural decoration. Děčínsko-Podmokelská society wanted to return the monument to the statue, so it declared an artistic competition for the statues. Unfortunately, models of sculptures and their designs are not preserved - not even related to the author in Vienna¨got it, so the decoration can not be restored to it´s original state. The second fountain, which is next to the church of St. Václav and Blažej, is an eight-sided stone fountain built in Baroque style.
The Art Nouveau fountain from 1907 by R. Weyer consists of a rectangular tank with rounded corners, from which grows a rocky terrain with stumps and branches, which carry a round bowl with four spouts on its edge. There used to be 6 bronze figural sculptures on the fountain, which were supposed to depict the legend of the liberated girl of a lumberjack from Děčín, who was to be cursed into a spring in Loubská ravine. The top was once supposed to be the fairy of Bohemia, but it was also removed and now the top of the fountain is planted with a flower. In 1940, the sculptural decoration was confiscated by the Germans. The Děčín-Podmokelská company wanted to return the decoration to the monument, so it announced an art competition for the sculptures. Unfortunately, the models of the sculptures and their designs have not been preserved - they do not even have the author's relatives in Vienna, so it is not possible to restore the decoration to its original state. The second fountain, which is next to the Church of St. Wenceslas and Blaise, is an octagonal stone fountain and is built in the Baroque style. The Art Nouveau fountain of 1907 by R. Weyer is made up of a rectangular tank with rounded corners, from which a rocky terrain with stumps and branches grows, carrying a round bowl with four gargoyles on it´s edge. There were still 6 bronze figural sculptures in the fountain to illustrate the story of a liberated girl from a Děčín woodcutter who was to be cursed in the Loubská Gorge. On the top the goddess Bohemia was also supposed to be, but it was also removed and now the top of the fountain is decorated with flowers. In 1940, the Germans seized the sculptural decoration. Děčínsko-Podmokelská society wanted to return the monument to the statue, so it declared an artistic competition for the statues. Unfortunately, models of sculptures and their designs are not preserved - not even related to the author in Vienna¨got it, so the decoration can not be restored to it´s original state. The second fountain, which is next to the church of St. Václav and Blažej, is an eight-sided stone fountain built in Baroque style.
Danijel Krušelj on Google

Great service
Frank Eck on Google

Nothing special, not worth to visit

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