Kavárna Kolibri

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kavárna Kolibri

Address :

Topolová 2915/16, 106 00 Praha 10, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Website : https://mykolibri.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Topolová 2915/16, 106 00 Praha 10, Czechia
maxbosch1 on Google

I když jsme si vzaly jen kafe sebou, tak obsluha příjemná a prostředí pěkný. S kočárkem super přístup díky výtahu.
Although we only took the coffee with us, the service is pleasant and the environment nice. Super access with a stroller thanks to the elevator.
Aleš Bořík on Google

Miluji kávu a tohle je jak čisté zjevení uprostřed obchodního domu. Kavárna je v prvním patře uprostřed a tvoří krásnou palubu lodě. Moc příjemná a milá obsluha. Objednal jsem si Flat White a byl jsem velmi překvapen vyváženou chutí. Ke kávě jsme dostali i kávový cukr, ten je opravdu zajímavý a neskutečně sladký. Velmi slušné ceny. Rozhodně zde nejsme naposledy.
I love coffee and this is like a pure revelation in the middle of a department store. The café is on the first floor in the middle and forms a beautiful deck of the boat. Very nice and nice service. I ordered Flat White and I was very surprised by the balanced taste. We also got coffee sugar, which is really interesting and incredibly sweet. Very decent prices. We are definitely not the last time here.
Jitka Hokšárová on Google

Kava dobra, bohuzel nestastne mi prijde vybavit hernu rozbitymi a spinavymi hrackami. Chtelo by to zde trochu pece, potom by se to tu hemzilo detmi. Herna je zdarma, asi sem chodi i ti, co si v kavarne nic nedaji.. skoda.
Coffee is good, unfortunately I will come to equip the game room with broken and dirty toys. It would take a little oven here, then it would be crowded with children. The game room is free, probably even those who don't have anything in the cafe come here .. pity.
Katka N. on Google

Hezké umístění v 1.patře malého nákupního centra, možnost vyjet bezbariérově výtahem. Možnost platit kartou, příjemná obsluha. V nabidce vlastní produkt Kafánek. Výborná káva, příjemná obsluha, pěkné klidné posezení.
Nice location on the 1st floor of a small shopping center, possibility to take the barrier-free lift. Possibility to pay by card, friendly service. Kafánek owns the product on offer. Excellent coffee, friendly service, nice quiet sitting.
Alex Sciklin on Google

Jana Limbergová on Google

The coffee's very average
Nicholas Scott on Google

I’ve had amazing experience! Finally coffee shop where they know what they doing. I’ve got Ice coffee with special essential oils which it made it so exciting! High quality coffee, professional and one of the nicest stuff I’ve ever experienced in Prague! Thumbs up guys! I highly recommend this place!
Angie Braun on Google

We absolutely loved Kavarna Kolibri! We visited several times during our trip to Prague this past summer. The homemade lemonade - with essential oils - was so good! But, so was the coffee and the sweets. We went back often! Michal, the owner, was great with customer service and made us feel at home. I would definitely recommend this to anyone visiting or living in Prague!

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