Kavarna u svate Ludmily

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kavarna u svate Ludmily

Address :

Náměstí Míru 585, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : http://www.kdm.cz/kavarna
Categories :
City : Vinohrady

Náměstí Míru 585, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
Stanka Černáková on Google

Dobre jedlo ? v primeranej cene 80kč. Personál by sa mohol tváriť ale privetivejšie..
Good food - at a reasonable price of 80 CZK. The staff could look but more welcoming ..
Lol Adam on Google

Kvalita jídla je nepřijatelná
The quality of the food is unacceptable
Michal Endris (Michal End) on Google

Kdyby sla dat 0 hvezd dam 0. Tohle "jidlo" at stoji cokoliv je ostuda nad ostudy. Mel jsem predstavu ze se do bramborove kase dava i mleko pripadne maslo... tohle jsou mackane brambory a ten kousicek masa udajne hoveziho. Musim se smat. Doporucuji se vyhnout velkym obloukem. TRAGEDIE!!!
If she could give 0 stars, I would give 0. This "food" whatever stands is a disgrace to the disgrace. I had an idea that butter or milk or butter was added to the mashed potatoes ... these are mashed potatoes and that piece of meat is said to be beef. I have to laugh. I recommend avoiding a large arc. TRAGEDY!!!
filip zabal on Google

-10/10 to co tu servírují je odporné, personál příjemný asi jako v komunistické republice nedoporučuji riziko újmy na zdraví a pozvracení je tu samozřejmostí už jen při pohledu. 0/10
-10/10 what they serve here is disgusting, the friendly staff, as in the communist republic, I do not recommend the risk of injury and vomiting is a matter of course at a glance. 0/10
Larisa Lezhneva on Google

Что - то подобное плохой школьной столовой в советские времена. Цена еды очень дешевая. Внешний вид - полный отстой. Но можете сьесть все и не отравитесь. По- моему за вход - ок. 90 крон. В меню три блюда , обед. Но сами понимаете , что можно поесть за такие деньги. Персонал приятный и вежливый но , к сожалению , это положения не спасает. Поставила 2 звезды, поскольку не отравилась. Значит есть можно.)
Something like a bad school canteen in Soviet times. The price of food is very cheap. Appearance is complete rubbish. But you can eat everything and not get poisoned. In my opinion for the entrance - ok. 90 crowns. There are three courses on the menu, lunch. But you know what you can eat for that kind of money. The staff is nice and polite but, unfortunately, this situation does not save. I gave it 2 stars because I didn't get sick. So it's possible.)
Vintage Sound on Google

Nikdy více. To co mi bylo doslova "kidnuto" na talíř, jenom velice vzdáleně připomínalo jídlo. Ale možná tak pro dobytek. Polévka na hranici poživatelnosti, druhé jídlo, jakýsi "fazolový hrnec" se nedalo jíst vůbec. Prakticky do jíšky naházené kusy nedovařené zeleniny a jakéhosi masa, k tomu pravděpodobně 3 dny starý chléb. Nedivím se, že se za jídlo platí už u vstupu, protože po tom, co sestoupíte do sklepa, kde je jídelna pro veřejnost, už máte zaplaceno a teprve zjistíte za co jste si zaplatili a budete teprve těžce litovat.
Never more. What was literally "kidnut" on my plate only remotely resembled food. But maybe for cattle. Soup on the verge of edibility, a second meal, a kind of "bean pot" could not be eaten at all. Pieces of uncooked vegetables and some meat practically thrown into the dish, probably 3 days old bread. No wonder you pay for the food at the entrance, because after you descend to the cellar, where the dining room is open to the public, you have already paid and only find out what you paid for and you will hardly regret it.
Raja Bhanupratap on Google

Good looking fresh thing for here got it
Luciana Tokashiki on Google

Didn’t like the pasta served

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