Kejřův mlýn - K Náhonu 988/5

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Contact Kejřův mlýn

Address :

988/, K Náhonu 988/5, 198 00 Praha 9-Hloubětín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 198
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City : Praha 9 Hloubětín

988/, K Náhonu 988/5, 198 00 Praha 9-Hloubětín, Czechia
Blanka Dvorakova on Google

Hezký park, procházky, kolo, inliny, piknik...
Nice park, walks, bike, inline, picnic ...
Jakub Kolář on Google

Jen na návštěvě, ale prostředí působí bezvadně a profesionální přístup u vrátnice je taky fajn.
Just visiting, but the environment looks great and professional approach at the gatehouse is also nice.
Jaroslav Novák on Google

Na místě dnešního Kejřova mlýna stál mlýn v 16. století. Prodělal několik stavebních úprav. V poslední době byl zrenovován a v areálu byly přistavěny nové budovy, takže dnes v něm vyrostlo uzavřené sídlo s luxusními byty.
On the site of today's mill Kejřův mill in the 16th century. He underwent several building modifications. Recently, it was renovated and new buildings were added to the premises, so today it has grown into a closed mansion with luxury apartments.
Lika Ingrid on Google

Здесь находится жилой охраняемый комплекс, который примыкает к лесопарку с прудами. Буквально 5 лет назад здесь жилых комплексов не было, сейчас их несколько. Удобно, что выйдя за ворота комплекса ты можешь не только пройтись по лесопарку, но и пешком дойти до бассейна с соленой водой, рядом метро Hloubetin. А также, по пешеходной дорожке, пролегающей между комплексами новостроек и лесопарком можно пройти пешком, либо на велосипеде, на роликах прямо к остановке Liben. Вся инфраструктура находится рядом, что магазины, что поликлиника. Напротив комплекса через дорогу гинекологическая больница, расположенная в бывшем замке.
Here is a residential protected complex, which adjoins a forest park with ponds. Literally 5 years ago there were no residential complexes, now there are several. Conveniently, leaving the gates of the complex you can not only walk through the forest park, but also walk to the pool with salt water, near the metro station Hloubetin. And also, on the pedestrian path between the complexes of new buildings and the forest park you can walk, or by bike, on rollers straight to the stop Liben. The whole infrastructure is next door, what stores that polyclinic. Opposite the complex is a gynecological hospital across the road, located in a former castle.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

První písemná zmínka o objektu pochází z roku 1550. V této době byl mlýn, spolu s okolními pozemky a nedalekým hospodářským dvorem majetkem řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou a po následujících téměř 150 let byl pronajímán řadě majitelů především z řad šlechty. Po éře příznivého vývoje z přelomu 16. a 17. století byl mlýn v době třicetileté války vypálen a pobořen. K obnově došlo až po roce 1679. Od roku 1713 byl objekt vykoupen z dědičného nájmu a řád křižovníků jej nadále provozoval až do roku 1730. V průběhu 18. a 19. století se ve vlastnictví objektu vystřídala řada majitelů. Roku 1917 se jeho majitelem stává Josef Kejř, jehož jméno nese mlýn dodnes. V 50. letech ztratil objekt hospodářskou i obytnou funkci a slouží jako skladovací prostory. Po roce 2010 byl zrenovován a v areálu byly přistavěny nové budovy. Dnes tu stojí komplex luxusních bytů. The first written mention of the building dates from 1550. At this time, the mill, together with the surrounding land and a nearby farm, was the property of the Order of the Red Star Crusaders and for the next almost 150 years was leased to many owners, mainly from the nobility. After an era of favorable development at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, the mill was burned and demolished during the Thirty Years' War. The restoration took place only after 1679. From 1713, the building was bought out of hereditary lease and the Crusader Order continued to operate it until 1730. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the ownership of the building changed many subjects. In 1917, Josef Kejř became its owner, whose name the mill bears to this day. In the 1950s, the building lost its economic and residential function and serves as storage space. After 2010, it was renovated and new buildings were added to the complex. Today there is a area of luxury apartments here.
The first written mention of the building dates from 1550. At this time, the mill, together with the surrounding land and a nearby farm, was the property of the Order of the Red Star Crusaders and for the next almost 150 years was leased to many owners, mainly from the nobility. After an era of favorable development at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, the mill was burned and demolished during the Thirty Years' War. The restoration took place only after 1679. From 1713, the building was bought out of hereditary lease and the Crusader Order continued to operate it until 1730. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the ownership of the building changed many owners. In 1917, its owner became Josef Kejř, whose name the mill bears to this day. In the 1950s, the building lost its economic and residential function and serves as storage space. After 2010, it was renovated and new buildings were added to the complex. Today there is a complex of luxury apartments. The first written mention of the building dates from 1550. At this time, the mill, together with the surrounding land and a nearby farm, was the property of the Order of the Red Star Crusaders and for the next almost 150 years was leased to many owners, mainly from the nobility. After an era of favorable development at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, the mill was burned and demolished during the Thirty Years' War. The restoration took place only after 1679. From 1713, the building was bought out of hereditary lease and the Crusader Order continued to operate it until 1730. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the ownership of the building changed many subjects. In 1917, Josef Kejř became its owner, whose name the mill bears to this day. In the 1950s, the building lost its economic and residential function and serves as storage space. After 2010, it was renovated and new buildings were added to the complex. Today there is an area of ​​luxury apartments here.
Petr Krpeš on Google

Tomáš Bohuněk on Google

That's the place you want to live.
Marek Horyl on Google

One of the nicest living complex in Prague situated in the natural reserve closed to beautiful lake. Lots of playgrounds, places if relaxation, natural fitness places, bicycle trails etc. Very nice place for living.

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